Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Again, he just don’t care :joy:

He is still in to top tiers of Forbes richest people in the world real-time tracker. Should he choose to he could ride Twitter to zero. I think for him, it’s a hobby and a way to torment certain CC posters. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well he did say he’s willing to lose money. So maybe everything is going according to plan?

Although maybe it’s a little unfair to blame everything on his notion of “free speech”. Some amount of revenue shortfall is surely also due to his poorly considered, uneven, biased, and whiplashing policies on verification and content promotion, combined with spotty and unreliable service, combined with driving away content creators.

I do feel bad for all the current and former Twitter employees suffering as a result though. On the bright side it seems like Elon is having the time of his life over there, so there’s that.

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And like all billionaires he loves losing billions.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Doesn’t seem to phase him one bit. What’s $10-$15 Billion to Musk?

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You seem to know what he’s thinking. Mind reader? Wiping away 10% +/- of my net worth wouldn’t make me smile.


And it is not just his $$$ he is whizzing away. Hope the co-owners are just as happy. :slight_smile:


I’m thinking that they’re thinking they care even less about their billions.

And I’m also thinking that they don’t care about the cash burn too. Or maybe they’re now breakeven on cash flow. :man_shrugging:

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Heard and read several interviews. I’ve seen no tears……

If you think he’s secretly crying that’s ok too😂

Can you provide a link to an interview or article where he says he doesn’t care about losing money on Twitter?

I wouldn’t expect him to cry over losing money. And he has other problems if he does that.

Try the CNBC interview with David Faber.

Have you seen him express any fear of loosing money on Twitter?

Elon can say whatever. I’d love to hear from the other owners that they are just as happy as their esteemed leader or the pack. :slight_smile:

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I’m not trying anything. Just looking for you to provide a quote where he says he doesn’t care about losing money. And then I can decide whether I believe him or not.

I think shushirrito has that link……:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You can look yourself or not. Try Google :joy:

Or you can supply links showing he is crying. Either way good👍🏼

Ya I didn’t think so. So you’re just guessing, which is fine. Just state you’re speculating about his feelings.

He’s a bigot and an anti-Semite. Like I want to watch an entire interview to figure out if Musk cares about losing money on Twitter. What a waste of my time.


You seem to have quite a bit on your hands,

My google search reveals he’s not fearing losses, it also reveals he remains in the few wealthiest in the world. On the other hand I found nothing about him mentioning fear of losses.

Hang in there :joy:

Is that the interview where he falsely claimed the neo-nazi responsible for the recent Texas shooting wasn’t a Neo-nazi, and that it all “psy-op?”

By the way, Musk first agreed to grossly overpay for twitter, then desperately tried to back out, then reluctantly bought it as agreed, then has been trying to force feed us his bizarro beliefs ever since. This is the guy who supposedly doesn’t care about public opinion, market pressures, etc? Interesting.


Looks like different people walk away with different impressions from the same interview.

Might be a hammer and nail thing ?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nope. At least not on my part.


He doesn’t care if things he says affects either Tesla or Twitter revenue. IMO he’s become like a Tucker Carlson, with attendant highly polarized audience (and active non-audience).

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