Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Admiring someone because he’s a billionaire who can blithely destroy businesses just for the sheer kicks is a weird flex, but you do you.


Thank goodness I didn’t have to listen to the whole interview. Thank you for the link.

But, here’s a person who attacks George Soros, but says he’s a “Pro-Semite,” and also refuses to acknowledge that someone with Nazi tatoos is a white supremacist. And then wants ME to believe that he doesn’t care about losing money with Twitter. I’m not buying it.

IMO, he’s covering up for his scewups for paying too much for Twitter and then making several bad management decisions (e.g., firing 80% +/- of its workforce, ambigious content moderation, etc.).

I think he cares A LOT, but his ego cannot handle losing money at Twitter and I know for sure his investors and debtors care about his losing their money, which Musk should very much care about.

He cares. Or he’s losing (or lost) touch with reality.


If he says he doesn’t care - he doesn’t.

Unless you know something he doesn’t?

Who’s mind reading now ? :joy:

Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others."


“College Confidential forums exist to discuss college admission and other topics of interest. It is not a place for contentious debate. If you find yourself repeating talking points, it might be time to step away and do something else… If a thread starts to get heated, it might be closed or heavily moderated.”

Seems like you still are mind reading.

I’m speculating based on his actions and words. If “you” see a tatoo of swastika, a Nazi symbol, on a person, a criminal in this case who killed people in a mall, and don’t see that as anti-Semitism, then everything coming out of that person’s mouth is complete garbage. Untrustworthy is another word.

And unless, someone works for an organization such as Doctors Without Borders or the Peace Corp., then they care about money. Twitter is not a 501c. And as I said, his investors certainly don’t want to lose money.

But we all see here on this thread that you’re an unequivocal supporter of Musk, no matter what he says or does. And that means something to me at least.


It’s not just the tattoos. he murderer also had Neo-nazi patches on this tactical gear, and has a long history of posting racist screeds online. He hated Asians in particular, and not coincidentally attacked a mall in an area with a high concentration of Asian customers. Incredibly, Musk dismisses it all as “psy-ops”. Maybe he’s just jealous that a racist is using another platform other than twitter?


I think this thread is due to be closed. Really pointless back and forth between two people

Musk is now pretty much nothing but ridiculous reply guy on the platform he overpaid for, engaging mainly with the weird cult of people who have decided to pay him $8 a month to have their own reply-guy replies shown at the top of the rest. And today he’s replying to a meme about “hating the Js” with absolutely no criticism, just a comment about how buff Mel Gibson is now. He’s exactly who he keeps telling us he is.


If the Twitter owners, including Musk, did not care, they wouldn’t have hired someone who is well-known for her skills in ad revenue generation. Why even bother? We’ll see how long the new head lasts…


Apparently being a racist billionaire desperate for attention makes him a hero to some. Go figure?


Interesting. Mel Gibson, another well-known anti-Semite. In fact, South Park produced an entire episode just about Mel Gibson and his hate for the Jews, named “Passion of the Jew.”

I think it’s both - he clearly cares about Twitter revenue as he’s been talking about it for months along with laying off most of the employees to cut costs. But I think he’s saying he’s not going to let that affect anything he says or does.

And yes, I agree that his grasp on reality (or at least basic facts and logical thinking) appears to be tenuous.

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Musk is a great promoter of potentially disruptive ideas, but he is not a rescuer of flailing businesses. Just look at solar city… not a single PV installer we talked to recommended those panels due to issues with quality.

He’s the world’s richest or 2nd richest man depending on whether you’re looking at Forbes or Bloomberg.

This thread seems to be less about his purchase of Twitter and more a discussion of the man himself?

For those who hate him, you’re giving him what he wants - people talking about him.

We can argue all day long whether he grasps the facts or doesn’t or whether he has a grip on reality or not.

Well, investors clearly think that he does have a grip on reality judging by Tesla’s share price.

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Nope, not in my case. Twitter is losing money and I believe he cares he’s losing money, as do his investors.

There’s lots of bigots and racists in the world. He’s just another one of them to me. I don’t hate him, but he’s lost billions on Twitter, because he’s having a lot of trouble running it, which is just one reason why he hired someone to run it for him. Like Tesla an Space X.

He’s not actually running Tesla and I’m sure investors know that.


Thoughts on Elon Musk…”? No, hyperbole.

Elon Musk Makes a Stunning Offer to Don Lemon And Rachel Maddow

Must be tired of whizzing away money. He seems to care now. :joy:


“… Reddit CEO Steve Huffman praised Musk’s aggressive cost-cutting and layoffs at Twitter…

‘…I think one of the nonobvious things that Elon showed is what I was hoping would be true, which is: You can run a company with that many users in the ads business and break even with a lot fewer people,’ Huffman said.”