Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Yes the Reddit CEO certainly seems to be taking lessons from Musk on how to ruin a platform and alienate its users:


A few petulant crybaby protesters doesnā€™t mean the forum is being ruined. As with Musk, he is trying the guarantee survival of the platform by making it profitable, and to lower the hammer on the toxicity of heavy-handed moderation.

Yesterday Elon Musk said terms like ā€œcisgenderā€and ā€œcisā€ are now considered ā€œslursā€ on Twitter and will not be tolerated.

Yet when I reported a tweet that was nothing but the N word written over and over and over until they ran out of characters, Twitter responded that the TOS had not been violated.

And I guess some people find these kinds of posts amusing and moderation of them oppressive. But donā€™t call anyone cis-gender, even though that is a technical term that has been in use for years to describe someone whose gender identity matches the sex assigned to them at birth. It is not a pejorative.

The N word, on the other handā€¦


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Musk is not advocating for looser moderation in order to allow purposeless posts like the N-word post you mention. Moderation, fact-checking, content control, whatever it may be called, is a slippery slope that often silences the truth and/or valid arguments. Because of that, moderation must necessarily be loose to have a productive discussion.

Regarding the reason for that post not violating TOS, it seems highly likely that was an AI response. From your description, it doesnā€™t appear to have been directed at someone, but the cis- post was directed disparagingly at someone, which is why he referred to that as a slur. The term itself has not been disallowed.

You are wrong. It was directed at a particular Twitter handle who happens to be an African American.

There is no defending this. Please donā€™t try.


I am defending Muskā€™s reasoning and approach to moderation, in general. Donā€™t misconstrue what I said as a defense of that tweet. Your first post did not mention that the tweet was directed at someone, but knowing that it was, something is clearly off with the AI that assesses the TOS violations.

It was infuriating. It wasnā€™t N word ending with a, it was N word ending er. Over and over and over. Like, a sure consequence to follow.


As is demonstrated in this very example, Muskā€™s ā€œreasoning and approach to moderationā€ is to allow scumbag bigots to say whatever they want, while at the same time making twitter an increasingly uncomfortable place for marginalized groups. See also his reversal of Twitterā€™s policies regarding deadnaming and misgendering.


Why not vote with your phone, so to speak, and just delete teh app? Why engage with SW that is infuriating?

Now Zuckerberg and Musk can (literally) fight for the future of social media:

Zuck can run a 5k in under 20 min and has finished the Murph. He can whip Muskā€™s rear end quite easily. :sunglasses:

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Why should I have to be chased off a platform because of racist bigots? THEY should be the ones banned.

I get a lot of my news off that platform. It has its benefits as well. But Musks claims of ā€œfree speechā€ are complete BS. He bans accounts all the time that donā€™t violate TOS, they are just voices he wants to mute.


Despite what some high-conflict personalities want you to believe, Twitter has never been a safe space for anyone. The bigger picture of opening up the discussion has improved under Musk. These smaller issues will work themselves out, eventually.

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Twitter is a private company that provides a free service. If that free service does not work for you, why stay?

If the platform is not working for you, cut it loose; just that simple. If enough good people like you unenroll, ad revenues will continue to tank, and the new CEO will have to make some (moderation?) adjustments. But if good tweeters remain, heā€™ll assume everything is ok.

Musk says a lot of things. Gotta take his pronouncements with a big grain of salt.

Elon cut thousands of staff on purpose. Elon does not believe in PR. Elon is happy with the current moderation efforts.

I donā€™t know or care who wins, but they should do it on PPV and charge $49.95 or $99.95 and all proceeds go to a legit charity.

Iā€™d watch it for sure.

Having spoken to a Meta manager at my gym, he said heā€™s skeptical of Zuckā€™s posts of his various athletic endeavors.

Iā€™m skeptical about Zuckā€™s achievements, too,
but my money will be on him. :laughing: Iā€™d pay to watch, too!

The poster already answered your questions. Why do you care whether this poster stays on twitter? Seems like whether they stay or not, their complaints about twitter are topical, accurate, and appropriate.


Elon looks like he significantly outweighs Zuckā€¦ Mass goes a long way in fights. You need to be much more skilled and athletic to take down a larger person

I donā€™t disagree, but we donā€™t get to decide what is ā€œappropriateā€ for a private company offering a free product (unless they are breaking the law). That is up the person-bots in their Mod dept. Moreover, those same person-bots also get to decide that even if a complaint is appropriate, whether or not it violates the ToS of their private, free service. Twitter decided that it did not.

So what Iā€™m really trying to understand is what is so ā€œinfuriatingā€?

  • That Twitterā€™s internal person-bot Mod team has interpreted their ToS wrongly?
  • That Elonā€™s interpretation of free speech is different from ours (and many folks with common decency)?
  • That a free service that is useful for news feeds now comes with so much ā€˜baggage,ā€™ for lack of a better term?
  • That the alternative is to have to pay for those same news feeds?