Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Threads definitely needs a desktop version + searchability including on hashtags – it still has a lot of potential, I think. Many journalists seem to be starting to post regularly there, but without a desktop version, it’s not going to be a big player. I think it’s coming. My use of X(itter) or whatever the heck he’s calling it now is dramatically reduced, almost gone, now that I can get the same info following journalists on Threads. That’s what I went to Twitter for.


I smell… a chicken?


Of course there will be no fights, surgery or not. It is all about drawing attention to themselves.

Musk’s cage match career may be over before it ever started. :man_facepalming:

Agree about desktop version. That’s how I generally do social media.


That’s because his last fight didn’t go so well (though he lies so much it’s hard to believe he was the one doing the throwing):

Concerns about Mr. Musk’s health had circulated a few years ago, ignited by photos of him that appeared to show a new scar on his neck. In 2020, he confirmed he had two surgeries, the first a failure, to address neck pain.

His pain, Mr. Musk has said, traces to a birthday party thrown years ago by his second wife that was attended by a sumo wrestler.

Mr. Musk took to the ring and—according to him—managed to throw the 350-pound opponent, resulting in an injury to his spine. “It cost me smashing my c5-c6 disc & 8 years of mega back pain!” Mr. Musk said on Twitter last year.

But maybe he should stick to sumo, since he said he’s now over 300 pounds:


Back pain is no joke. If this is the case, dude needs to lay off the weed and late night social media fencing matches and take care of his health. Geez. Can’t take your billions into the grave.


I highly doubt Musk weighs 300 lbs. I know many 250-300 lb humans and Musk is just not that large, unless he’s had a recent significant weight gain (100 lbs). That has to be sarcasm.

If he truly has neck and back issues, then there’s no way he should match up with Zuckerberg in BJJ. BJJ is not an upright sport. You force your opponent to the ground, fighting and getting them to submit with a variety of techniques. Trust me, it’s terrible for your neck, back, hips, etc.

Certainly in the 250-300lb range (he’s 6ft2)

He still doesn’t look “at least 300 lbs” to me.

300 lbs is NFL offensive linemen size. But he’s definitely fat.


You know he exaggerates about everything

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No doubt. But FWIW, I look at his legs and glutes and those are thin/skinny.

He really should step back from running his mouth, Twitter, SpaceX, etc. and focus on his health.


Jeff Bezos is a massive jerk, but he definitely had the right idea - he’s pretty buff/fit now and was a scrawny nerd before. When you have tons of money and success, you can afford the ultimate luxury - time to take care of your body because money can buy you time but it can’t buy you health.

If I was a billionaire you better believe I’d have a personal trainer coming over daily to yell at me to get my butt off the couch and work out in my private gym, and a personal chef to cook me delicious healthy meals. Heck, I’d probably bring the personal trainer along on my mega yacht trip to Japan to yell at me on the boat too.


A partner could be a great motivator. Ms. Sanchez looks like she can kick his butt into exercise.


I always tell people, when the subject is broached, if you don’t have your health, then what do you really have?

Hire me, I’ll motivate the $&%# out of them. :wink:

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No charity, place, or time named.

Well, Italy.

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Isabelle Butera of USA Today estimated that Musk is 6’2" and 187 pounds”


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Built like a 1950’s fridge. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It would nice to know their reach, but I’m going with the guy who already has BJJ training and can do a Murph in 39:58. :thinking:


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::disguised_face:

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