Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Agree with you. I tell my students to stay off ALL forums and let only parents invest time on these forums and filter the information to the student.

These forums can only increase anxiety among students.


I think Drexel is one college that prefers PA residents more? Any truth to this one? We are actually from PA.


I found it reverse TBH

Penn state - 1 student from PA got in (and 1 from NY/NJ rejected). Also Penn state is cheaper so lots of applications .
PITT - 36 ACT student from PA was on waiting (but we know 4 from the same school applied ) but 35/36 from NY is in for interview.

SO there may be other things too (like valedictorian, shadowing, AP, extracurricular, )

As a general rule , i found the Tristates ( NY, NJ, PA) eat each other lunches :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There is NO stats on every colleges (and I found that logic , I will sell it to Google :slight_smile: LOL)

I found only UMKC say the breakdown and few colleges in AL and few in FL say they prefer/prioritizes though they say they will consider OOS too.

My guess is Drexel does “prefer” (don’t hold me/others to that)

Penn State has shared its incoming class break-up for last year during the information session → 90% OOS.

Drexel is private and as far as I know they have no stated preferences.

Seems like it is all a gamble. A lot of high performance kids. That is excellent though how hardworking these kids are!


Insightful conversation

Thanks for sharing

Please may you send to me as well
 I have been trying to private chat you

They challenge each other and grow.

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Thanks @NoviceDad and @Rali_Jan for giving all the details out here and reminding us of everything that we had read about when starting this process. Along the way, I guess all the kids and parents get too sucked into the process and positivity and hope increases, and then later reality strikes! :slight_smile:


Can you try the following?
It will help me understand my profile issue.

Go to your messages under your icon.

Select NEW Message

Try addressing to novicedad (without the @ sign).

We don’t have time to apply BS/DO now. My son has SAT 1580, Unweighted GPA 98, 13 APs. 1 HOSA national 3rd place,4 times state 1st place, science fair state 1st place. He applied 14 BSMD program, rejected 8 so far. We think he submitted application too late. All applications were submitted by the deadlines. Not sure what to do now.

Can you please PM me too?

try this please.

Just ignore what people talk. If really wants to be a Doctor then please take BSDO and continue. If really wants to do MD then also take BSDO and switch to BSMD after 3 or 4 years
 There is no diffrence. No need to worry if you did not get the BSMD. If you are selected for the BSDO then please take it and continue and switch to BSMD if you have a good GPA and MCAT
 There is no difference after you become a doctor. BSDO person can do whatever BSMD can do. Just ignore if anyone talks without knowing about BSDO. I hope this will give some relief.


I concluded the above message after talking to some students and some doctors

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If you got 6 interviews that is really good! Or are you still waiting on some?

still waiting. No interview so far. 8 rejected.

If submitted by deadlines, they are not considered late