Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

@askbsmd21 Union portal or where the Albany supplemental was filled out? Who sent the email btw? And when did you interview?

That is what many were saying on the thread.
I am not sure if that round was only for people who applied Early Action 1 and the next will be for Early Action 2. Any input would be appreciated!

Update was on the main union admission portal(not supplemental).

Is it under the “communications” tab or some different place?

Re: Union/AMC

I’m sorry - just to clarify (because I’m a little nervous about checking). The rejections are both in the portal and by email?

Is this Union/Albany before or after interviews?

Interview was more like a conversation. Questions were mostly general.

Good luck.

Re: Union/AMC

Good point. I second the question.

Are we discussing before or after the AMC interview?

Before interview

Thank you so much!

Agree with Vicky and Novicedad and Rali_Jan.
On the “huge time” part, prepare yourself to deal with the stress. Better write and refine your essays starting from Summer after Jr year, this goes till Feb for most. If you apply a dozen plus BSMDs and a handful number of safe/match/reach/high-reach UGs then you could end up with 100+ essays easily. That includes UG part, BSMD supplements, and essays for honors (some programs requires them) plus essays for the scholarships.
This whole wild spin plus rejections in between, adds a lot of stress on the students as well parents (if at all they involve). Be prepare to deal with these circumstances. At the end all you need is just one acceptance.
Even if don’t get one, don’t loose your heart. 95% of MD seats are filled through traditional route. If you want to become a physician or doctor there are many ways you could achieve your goal. Good luck.


Quick question, was anyone in your interview batch going through Syracuse? Curious to see if the available interview dates are shown to each applicant based on which UG school they’re going through.

How long is the LECOM EAP informational session? The portal only indicates start time.

My daughter said that the interview result woulf come sometime in March. She interviewed in January thru Union/AMC

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Omg congrats! Do you mind sharing your stats? (only if you are comfortable) Thank you!!

Hi! Do you mind sharing your daughters stats/ecs?

@NoviceDad or anyone can you please share the interview format for Sophie Davis-CUNY?

It is a traditional format.
Generally stress-free.

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Thank you everyone for your kind responses. I really appreciate all your help!