Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Has anyone signed up for the NJMS Meet the Deans session? I’m still not sure on what it exactly is and if it’s a big deal or not. Should my D be preparing for it? What should she expect?

Sorry, forgot to mention the state. I’m from CA.

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Then you are OOS to almost all of BSMD except CNSU and u got to put a wider net. :slight_smile:

So, I would choose those that give less seats (like UMKC, AL, TX) to lower priority. Again, I may apply there but the order will be low as the shot of getting it is less as they prioritize locals.

If you are in east coast (like one my student, then the order will be different)

You got time for next year so look at UG in the colleges (along with your preference) and go thru the forums or each colleges (on seats for OOS or if they show preference etc.,)

Add to that the area/weather/other priorities, you may prefer (my D prefers closer to big city and cold weather so TX, FL were lower, and they were OOS to her anyway)


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Did anyone else get an invite from NJMS for an interview? What should we expect for the interview? How long is it and what questions to expect?

What is a good Casper score for Hofstra?

I’m confused about what the Casper quartile mean

How important is Casper for Drexel?

CASPer quartiles: If you are among the 75 to 100 percentile, it means you scored higher than 75% of the students taking CASPer.

If any college asks for CASPer, they will be considering it for your application decision.
You should consider it as one factor among many.

So is it good if you score it the 75% quartile?

is 50-74% percentile / quartile considered a good CASPER score for Hofstra?

I am not sure tbh

I have to assume that being in the 75 to 100 percentile is a good score.

Don’t know.

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YES, mine was 20 minutes too. Not sure when will we hear back from them.

Is this Stevens direct and then will be forwarded to NJMS?

Did anyone else get an invite from NJMS for an interview? What should we expect for the interview? How long is it and what questions to expect?

Hey, that’s okay! Keep your head up - you got this!!! Sending good vibes your way!!

Not super long. Mine was like 30ish minutes.

Has anyone done their FAU interview? Do you know how many they actually accept out of their interview candidates?