Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I tried calling them but did could not connect. So I send an email to the UG admission office.

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Great! Just wait for them to respond

Did anyone receive an update from Brooklyn College for their BA/MD program regarding interviews?

Could anyone share their experience with the interview for the MSU DO program? Thanks.

did anyone hear back yet from Rowan BS/DO program?

Not yet

@pakoo - From our experience, the Casper test is subjective and not objective. Its a very tough test! Obviously it doesn’t test your knowledge but tests how you as a person would handle certain scenarios. However, good thing is it doesn’t have just one correct/wrong answer. I feel it’s a scale.

So, for a scale of 0-9 , if you got 6 consistently - it may not be bad!

I heard from bs/MD. also i got forwarded to DO from stockton.

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Could anyone share their NJMS interview experience? Does the interviewer ask specific/difficult medicine-related questions? Or is it more casual than that?

Hi-regarding BU did you call the regular admissions number to switch to UG?

Whoever is contacting BU, did you hear anything back? Or is this is just Incase

we have not heard anything.

Yes we received email from Brooklyn bs md program, they said we should receive interview invite in a week

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We haven’t heard from BU but don’t want to miss our window to switch to UG.

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I think they are done with interview invite last week, received email last wk to our question saying “interview invite will conclude end of week”.
You need to send email to UG about change.

Regarding BU, my DS received a response as below.
It seems like BU considers RD even if BSMD applicants were not selected.
Hope it helps.

Below is the message from admission office.

At this time, your application is still under review. The Board of Admissions will continue to reach out to students to invite them to interview until the end of February, and then the admissisions decisions for this program will be released with the Regular Decision applicant pool in late March. Therefore, please continue to actively monitor the status of your application credentials throughout the remainder of the application cycle online via your MyBU portal.

i don’t that’s what they meant
 they are j saying that the SMED decisions come at the same time as RD.

you mean rowan BS/MD? or BS/DO? Did you get interview invite from the medical school yet?

Has anyone received an email from StonyBrook regarding the interview dates? Just curious.

both, just the DO is from Stockton. Interviews for both