Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Did anyone get a decision from LECOM BS/DO program?

It was okay. Traditional style questions

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It’s not rolling this year, they release all decisions in March I think

what is your ug?

Did anyone get Rutgers BS/DO decisions after their interview?

do you mean after the UG interview? I am pretty sure there is an interview with the DO school as well.

Yes, $9,950 per year. I wouldn’t have to pay any tuition if I went to Rowan since I am an NJ resident and eligible for enough in-state financial aid to cover the rest of my tuition costs.

did anyone hear from case about what is happening with alternates?

Selected for Siena/AMC interview. Does anyone know how many people are generally selected to interview?



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I got selected for RPI/AMC interview- it says 80 for the PSP program


Not yet. No news

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we will get it today though right?

I don’t know . That’s what the original email said but no updates after that

It a long wait for RPI/AMC. I almost called them this afternoon. My son sent me a text message on getting an interview invitation. Very happy with that.
By the way, how do you know about 80 kids getting interview? do you know how many will be accepted in the end? thanks


Re: Rutgers BS/DO

Not yet, but the website states that interviews with Rowan will occur mid to late March. So, I guess they still have time to decide who gets forwarded.

My daughter interviewed with Union/amc in January and got an email saying that she is under consideration list. May be waitlisted? Not sure what exactly that means.

says in the invitation that top 80 get interview - I think top 25 get an offer

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Received same email. Is this a waitlist? Surprised since they are still inviting people to interview.

No idea what this email means. Very vague email. When did you have your interview? May be they selected a couple of kids from January and put everyone else in the waiting list??? I am confused