Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022


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Congratulations! May I ask you when did you submit your application? It is so nice to have a good news even now. I thought they would inform all interviewers with final decision after all interview processes are close.

Good point, i missed the logic that there can be 2/3 teams that can happen in parallel (which make it possible) :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

But still too much candidates for 45 seats

Congrats !!!

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i submitted my supplemental application to amc on Nov 25 and interviewed on jan 25

I got a Pitt interview a few days ago and it’s scheduled for March 14 (surprised it’s this far away). Does anyone know how many people get selected for an interview for the GAP and how many Pitt usually accepts?

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Pitt calls about 50 for interviews.
Selects about 12-17 students i.e. 25%-30% chance of getting in.


Congratulations. Did you get email from AMC or RPI?



Hello. How does one go about preparing for the Drexel MMI interview?

I had a MMI interview for a different BS/MD and I bought the BeMo Admissions MMI book to prepare, and it was very helpful. You probably don’t need to buy this book but just look up MMI sample questions on google and practice with as many as you can. The MMI was not difficult at all, though. You just have to show that you can be thoughtful in your responses and consider all viewpoints in a situation before making a decision

Did they also ask you personal questions? Like why medicine for example?

Also does NJIT send rejection letters?

No but similar questions like what qualities will make you a good doctor and things like that

I believe they selected 32 this year; 8 people interviewed per day across four days; this should be on the second page of scheduling interviews

Congratulations!! Are you from NJ/NY.

well deserved congratulations!

I got it. thanks a lot. You are so nice. We can tell why you got a ticket with such a good trait on helping people.

Also, if possible , would you mind my asking:
1). How AMC set up 6 MMI stations ?
2). Did they use both video scenario (role play, etc.) and prompts for students to response ?
3). Were questions on Medical ethics dominant or personal questions?
4). For HS kids, medical ethical questions are not easy for them to master them. How did you prepare them?

Many thanks

hey i interviewed with amc so i can try answering a few of your questions.

  1. they were each individual webex rooms and you got sent a pdf with each of the 6 webex links and what time you should access them (pretty intuitive once you get that pdf)
  2. it was only prompts and they gave you 2 minutes to prepare your answers and even allowed you to take notes during the preparation time to gather your thoughts
  3. there was a little bit of both, i’d say 50/50. no “you’re a doctor and your patient does this, what would you do?” questions
  4. the medical ethics questions were really simple and did not require any deep knowledge about medical current events. they were questions that could be answered at a high school level and just with the student’s moral compass

hope this helps! feel free to ask any more questions