Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Do you remember when you got your interview invite?

no im not from nj or ny

iā€™ll echo @Throaway_2 with my own experience with the amc interview:

  1. like mentioned before, there are several webex rooms and you just rotate between the rooms (theres a 5 minute break in between so i used that time to prepare/breathe)
  2. only prompts and was given 2 minutes to organize my thoughts. i was not permitted to take notes though.
  3. there were hypothetical scenarios where medical ethics are required, and some personal to yourself
  4. you donā€™t need to know current events in medicine. itā€™s kind of like preparing for the casper test; i used the same materials and just verbalized what i would normally answer in a casper.

feel free to pm me for any additional questions

Very grateful for your information. I really appreciate it!

This RPI -AMC PSP program focuses on both medical research and physician. Other programs from feeder schools to AMC have different mission and vision ( I remember one focuses on Medical leadership from Union college). I am wondering with questions below:

1). Does AMC interview all candidates applying different Programs with universal contents in MMI?
2). Are you in the Physician and Scientist Program? if so, did they ask questions related to science and research IRB?
3). As with prompts, does it just describe some scenarios without questions in PTF files so students have to answer questions from medical team afterwards? or questions are directly followed by scenarios in PTF file?
4). When you responded to each scenario, did you confront medical interviewers on the screen(how many)? was it like a conversation in which they asked questions and you answered one by one? or you just responded to all of questions at one time?
5). Do you know information on Drexel MMI? it is a very simple instructions on how to log in and some rules but not indicates too much info on MMI itself from Drexel

Forgive me for asking so many questions. It has been a long and tough journey for kids and parents during the process. All of us have to hold up to the last moment!

Good luck and best wishes to everyone! Thanks again

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  1. Yes, AMC actually interviews kids applying to the different programs in the same cohorts (I applied for Union and interviewed alongside RPI people)
  2. I am not in RPI but I interviewed alongside RPI kids so I assume thereā€™s no specific research questions
  3. The questions are on the screen and prompt itself, but after your main response, the interviewer will ask some follow-up questions that arenā€™t displayed with the prompt. Also, the prompt is screen-shared for the 2 minutes and then taken away after that so you are just talking to the interviewer
  4. There was only one interviewer per station, and yes, it felt more conversational rather than all of the questions at one time.
  5. I didnā€™t apply to Drexelā€™s program, so I canā€™t offer advice there

i agree this has been an arduous journey; only a few more weeks until itā€™s over!

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Have you received any update from AMC ? after interviews

no not yet

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Disclaimer: I am NOT a student.

I donā€™t believe you need to be stressed about MMI. Itā€™s just a scenario based, Q/A session.

The easiest practice is to train with parents, coach or others on various real-life situations (or take/study for CASPER materials)

Your kid will do just fine (and they do understand these are 18 years old so there will be leeway)

In this group, there were 1 acceptance and 3/4 waitlisted (I also heard 3+ waitlisted candidates from outside this group).

The results will come more possibly around Mar 1st week (possibly after the Feb interview batch is done). Just a guess

right after the informational session

I got an email from AMC that my application(Union-AMC) has been put on ā€œHoldā€. What are my chances of an interview? Will the ā€œbacklogā€ clear only if offers that were made or not accepted? If so, how long do the candidates with the current admission offers have, to accept?

Is this the email regarding the ā€œstill under consideration listā€?

Do you have until May 1st to accept or is it an earlier deadline?

A) I am assuming ā€œyou have NOT gottenā€ the interview at allā€¦ Correct ?

B) I am talking about the ā€œstill under consideration listā€ ( i.e. people who were/will be interviewed and constantly changes based on the accept/reject)

If you are talking Option A), honestly that list will come after the Option B) only , unless the whole Option B) candidates list ranks are so bad or they are "no longer " interested.

I have ā€œno insider informationā€ TBH but still donā€™t lose hope (as end of Mar) you will get clearer picture.

Hope it helpsā€¦

Congratulations!! When is your interview scheduled? My son (U of Cincinnati BS/MD) applied and still waiting for interview email. What are his chances of getting interview at this stage? Appreciate your reply. Thank you

Congratulations!! When is your interview scheduled? My son also applied (U of Cincinnati BS/MD) and still waiting for interview email. What are his chances of getting interview at this stage? Appreciate your reply. Thank you

same. Does cincy have rolling? I am assuming rejection unfortunately.

UCinn is not rolling.

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If you are in the category that ā€œthere are no interview slots availableā€, chances of you getting one are very rare in this virtual interview environment.

AMC gives you till the usual May 1 to accept your offers.

Panic is not the best emotion ahead of an interview.
You need to calm down and if you are a parent, please do not pass your anxiety to your kid.

Neither AMC nor Drexel MMI is a stress interview.
So, take a deep breath and let go of your anxiety and doubts.