Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

its may 1st

Thank you so much for your kindness and providing such detailed information.
I wish your dream comes true!

Big Congratulations!!!

When did you interview for AMC?

Unless someone declines the interview, it is probably not happening. Good luck though! All we need is one yes.

Is NJMS still sending invites???

two weeks ago

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No news from case regarding alternate candidates!
Do we assume No?

Has anyone received any news from OU’s or SLU’s BSMD programs?

Thank you and good luck!!

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congrats, that’s huge!!

OU says “end of Feb” and when I called a few days ago they confirmed that no invites have been sent and committee is still in session. They will send end of this week/coming week at the very latest!


What informational session? Did Rowan contact you regarding this?

oh, i thought we were talking about LECOM. Yea I got the interview invite in middle Feb for the rowan bs/md.

any tips for the NJMS interview?

Oh lol do you remember exactly when?

can someone share tips for NJMS interview please?

@Throaway_2 @Novice-Mom

NJMS is a traditional one-on-one interview.
Depending on the interviewer it can be a moderately stressed interview.

Any tips for Drexel interview

around February 11th