Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

did you receive one yet?

Any Yeshiva or University of Arizona interview invites sent out yet?

I believe Yeshiva is Upstate Feeder so they should have started while ago (like Adelphi, Syracuse and many others that feed to Upstate).

Yeshiva has a new program this year with Albert Einstein.

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Thank you. U Cincinnati interview is on 3/4. The entire process is quite draining. Donā€™t lose hope is all I can say.

Any update on Howard, University of Arizona, Stonybrook, SLU, Sophie Davis

I did not receive any invite from Hofstra and Uconn, is that a rejection at this point?

I am a bit worried

I did not unfortunately. I didnā€™t receive a rejection letter but I contacted them a few days ago and they said that I would receive info on my app in 1 to 2 weeks so Iā€™m assuming that I prob got rejected. Thing is that they had interviews till march 24 last year so I still have hope but I am not sure

March 4th is their only/last day for interviews this year, unfortunately. I asked them thatā€™s why.

what are your stats?

@Iskhn - From the past, it was my observation that Union/AMC iteration is pretty high. pre-interview ā€œHOLDā€ may not be promising.

In the past, they had invited a lot of kids (approx. 4 times) for interviews and only accepted a fraction (approx. 1/4) and put the rest (3/4) ā€œunder considerationā€. They accepted students on a rolling basis. So, their aim was to have a buffer of post-interview students, if accepted students ended up opting for other programs.

IMO - I am not sure if they will ever dip into pre-interview ā€œHOLDā€ students.

On the other hand, ā€œHOLDā€ is better than an outright rejection letter. One can still hope!

Good Luck to your student. I am sure they will end up in a good place in the end.


Congratulations and wish you the best!

UConn - invites are done
Hofstra - fi you do not hear from them this week, assume not selected
Sophie Davis - interviews are in progress

Arizona, Stony Brook, SLU - invites are not yet out

Howard - no idea

Not yet for either of them.

Thank you for the update, I was wondering around when the UConn invites were sent out? Additionally, was it through email or the applicant portal?

Yes I got one today


I just checked my Penn portal and there is an update posted for PMM.

Did you get in?

Yep I think soā€¦ ā€œCongratulations on your offer of admission to the Accelerated Premedical-Medical Program (PMM), jointly offered by Penn State and Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University!ā€ Still reading it over to confirm I am not seeing thingsā€¦


Congratulations !!!

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Congratulations! Youā€™re not seeing things! Itā€™s real lol