Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Congratulations !!!

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Well done! :clap:

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congratulations, great achievement!!

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My D reached out to Howard BSMD and was told to expect to hear back about interview between March 15th to 22nd

Thank you so much

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Just got accepted into Tulsa Early Careers in Community Medicine (ECCM). Very excited! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Penn State PMM didn’t get selected :cry:



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Massive congratulations. Now you can catch a little bit of breathe!

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Wow. Congratulations. All you need is one YES!!!

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Well done!!! Congraduations!

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That is a great feat you just pulled off. I just read up about the program and found out they admit just 5 exceptional students annually. Thumbs up!!!


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UConn interview invites were sent 26-Jan-22

You just need 1 acceptance to become a doctor.

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I think they had interviews till late March because people might have declined the invitation to interview or whatever. Also last year they said that people got the notification to interview like mid to late march so I really think last year they were trying to fill up spots but idk hopefully I don’t get a rejection letter and they call me in mid March. My stats is a 1530 SAT and 100 weighted GPA

Congratulations and Good Luck!!!


Congratulations on Tulsa. Good Luck for future!


I think they had interviews till late March because people might have declined the invitation to interview or whatever. Also last year they said that people got the notification to interview like mid to late march so I really think last year they were trying to fill up spots but idk hopefully I don’t get a rejection letter and they call me in mid March. My stats is a 1530 SAT and 100 weighted GPA