Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Thank you.

@NoviceDad Good to hear from you!

I’m officially retired after the Junior World Cup and the World Cup. :slight_smile:
A few of my friends made it to Beijing. Kristen Santos came very very close to medaling and that’s about it, unfortunately. :sigh:


Any idea when the BU and UMKC BS/MD interview results will come ?

Two years ago, there was no interview with SLU to be accepted. Does SLU interview now?

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Does anyone know how long is the information session on NJMS interview day before the actual interview?

Around end of march

@SpeedSkater –

Good to hear that you are enjoying your college experience. As this year’s batch starts making their college decisions, they would surely benefit from your experience. I remember you picked VCU GMED over other BSMD and ivy league admission since VCU offered you a full ride for the UG with the option to switch your medical school later on. In addition, you could be close to your parents.

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same, here no updates. still waiting

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According to SLU’s Medical Scholars Requirements
 “Interview with SLU School of Medicine at the end of sophomore year”. Where did you see “interview now” in the Saint Louis University medical scholars program requirements?

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Thank you !

NO interviews at SLU even now.

Hello @gradedu - Welcome back. Hope you are well and enjoying your college life? Which college did you end up joining?

received interview with rowan SOM


@somcpharm, @rkandala11, @kaj2017, @nonoyes

Not sure who asked but here is the link to the Accepted students’ programs for PSU. These are of various types - virtual, in person, and out of state -

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Does anyone know if OU has interviews?

Thanks for the info

I think they have specific days for PMM students. In past, dates were announced on the interview days but for the last 2 years due to Covid, they do not announce it in advance.

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I contacted Cincinnati and this is what they said:

“At this time, should your status be reflected as “complete” on your student application portal, then you are currently under review. Interview invites are being made through early March. Should you be invited to come for an interview, you will receive an email from us with the notification.”


Does any one know if RPI-AMC is a traditional interview or MMI. Thank you.

Many Congratulations. Is the interview MMI or traditional? thanks.