Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

yeah im worried too since that’s what I heard when I attended the virtual events, maybe try contacting them tomorrow bc my admissions counselor might be wrong

Welcome back @mygrad2021 :grin:

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Jan 20

can I DM you

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thanks! congrats on your huge acceptances!

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Does anyone know if Pitt honors acceptance come in?

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My friend and I (from the same high school) got into Union/AMC and we both ended up going elsewhere for different reasons. For me, the in-state VCU GMED, UG scholarship, and a “city” living made it a no-brainer (I know it’s only Richmond… but I’m also comparing it with Schenectady!) For my friend, she wanted to stay with her family (she’s close with her mom and not ready to leave home yet). They tried to make it work by trying to move the family. In the end, it was too much and she decided to go to Georgetown and then the regular route.

I’ve visited Union. It is a small liberal arts school that somebody will either fall in love with or will simply hate it. I don’t know if there’s any middle ground there. AMC is about 30 minutes away and so most likely will be moving after UG. AMC area wasn’t too bad.

MBA is cool, but wasn’t a selling point for me. That said, had it been the ONLY program, I’d have gladly taken it (thought it would have been a compromise.) I hope this helps.

Hello again to the old timers who have seen me around and have helped me in the past.


Did anyone interview with Adelphi and PCOM’s program?

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When I was there for the Upstate interview in the 2020 cycle, they said gap year needs to be applied for (I was planning on taking one anyways.) They never shut the door against that idea. Not sure if things have changed. Krystal Ripa is a cool and helpful person. If you’re there, find her and say hello. :slight_smile:

@SpeedSkater - It’s been a while since we saw you. How are you doing? Do you like the VCU GMED program?

@Vicky2019 It’s been a while indeed. I thought I’d check on this year’s batch to see if I can make myself useful. I like it here at VCU and I’m happy too. Coursework isn’t too bad and the GMED requirements (along with volunteering and clinical) aren’t that daunting. So, I do have a life. :slight_smile:

How are y’all doing?


I called Hofstra this week and they mentioned that if you didn’t get interview call yet, you are not selected for interview.

Eek…seems like nothing has changed with Hofstra. They have definitely not been known for their communication.

For all the applicants who painstakingly took all that time to apply, the least they could do is at least notify. :rage:

If anyone makes a PSU group, pls dm me

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When I asked about that, they mentioned by mid-march kids will know that they are not selected for interview.

Can any of the senior parents provide more details on UCF BMS? How many kids are accepted and how hard its to maintain their benchmarks ( 3.85 gpa/514 mcat)

Welcome @mygrad2021 and @SpeedSkater

@mygrad2021 - hope Hofstra is treating your D well.
@Speedskater - are you still skating for Junior Olympics or have you moved to the senior one?

MCAT 514 historically has been about 90th percentile (ranged from 88 to 91 percentile).
With proper preparation, it is doable but is still a high (not too high) bar.
Please confirm with UCF if multiple attempts are allowed.

GPA of 3.85 will require being on top of academics from semester 1.

Thank you so much!!! We will definitely keep in mind

I found out from a previous year student that the current president of PMM will make group a little later