Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

We were tracking to their timeline of early March for Interview invites. Did you get the invite?



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Awesome, congrats!!

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I have some questions I wanted to ask you. How can I dm you.

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My interview was on February 8th.


I got the email from Albany


Thank you!

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I think they are sending acceptance in the order interviews were done. My interview was Jan 13 and acceptance came on Feb 18. Positively, the program has a waitlist. So as people start committing to other programs(if they have multiple offers), seats will open up.

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This is a bit off the track…from BS/MD, but we are already thinking of the future. If anyone can guide. Is Biomedical engineering an ok pre- med major if necessary premed subjects are taken? Is it tough to study for both subjects (engineering and med school prep) any ideas?

Short answer: Yes.

Any UG is good (in fact some programs do look at how broad your profile) and that too BioMed is what some BSMD students take too

One of the gynecologists in our area was working in Microsoft for few years (Engineer) before he turned his attention to MD by taking premed subjects later.
He’s very successful (with great reviews)

So yep in short … as long the kid has interest

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Thank you! That’s helpful.

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There’s no straight forward answer IMO. My advice generally for anyone going through the traditional 4+4 path is to not overburden yourself by indirectly becoming a double major. Focus on the basic medical school prerequisite (because that’s what medical schools will use) so your GPA can be very high and use whatever down time you have to shadow doctors, volunteer and do some research to concretize your interest in medicine. But just like I said earlier. This is my personal opinion


My son got into GPPA!! The results came out today.


BME is a relatively hard, and difficult major. BME usually requires more credits to complete the UG graduation requirements (as many as 8 credits more depending on which school). IMO, you need to look at the BME coursework, and your BSMD requirements (GPA and MCAT) for matriculation and see if it works for you. IMO, you need to think twice about taking BME, if your’s is grade deflation school (or Curve), and MD matriculations reqs are tough (say 3.65 or 3.75 GPA at the end of every year). Good luck.



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@Aum2022 - It looks like you are talking about the traditional route MD and not BS/MD. Also, from your tag, you could be an Indian. Indian Americans are categorized as ORM (over-represented Minority) and if your kid is doing regular UG (BS in Biomed eng) and applying to MD, they would need to maintain above 3.8 (even above 3.9) to be competitive. On top of this, they would need to prepare for and do well in the MCAT with competitive scores for an ORM. They would also need strong ECs including medical volunteering/shadowing/research. When compared to a BS/MD student (who are high schoolers), the expectation would be higher for an undergraduate, IMO.

Due to the above, students avoid engineering degrees in their undergraduate if applying to MD schools, as others have mentioned


Congratulations and best wishes to your kid!

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