Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Same here we only applied 7 programs and no interview invitation so far. we are surprised that with good EC’s SAT cut off score might be >1550 . I am talking only about NJ schools SAT cut off it could be different for different states. Here we have seen lot of students with 1570+. we never know that one question will make this much difference. I regret that I have not seen this forum during college application process but thats ok this experience will definitely help us when we go to traditional MD route.


With traditional route, the key is to go into undergraduate with a plan right from the beginning, what our goal is and enjoy the process of focusing on your goal, rather than go in thinking its very stressful and hard. That will only lead to more distress and chances of not making into med school. I personally know couple kids, who worked hard, kept their focus, still enjoyed their undergraduate time, and were successful.


My friend said last year the BU results came mid of March(b/w 10th & 15th).

The email says March 26. Can it come earlier?

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Any one received interview invite from APME? Their website website stats invite will go from feb28 to Mar 4th.

Yes, thats what she said.

Looks like the invites are out. We didn’t get one either.

All depends…
For those who have spent so much time applying to BA-BS/MD probably don’t want to go through the process again in 4 yrs. For those who are really good applying to a few schools and got it, they may not appreciate it. But it also says that these students, once again, are cream of the crop. So if you are one of those, maybe going to top 20 school will be easy for you and they will well prepare you for top 20 med schools in the nation. For example, Harvard will prep you well for that process. If I recall correctly, you got into Union/AMC which is an unranked school. I have been to AMC and the facility is far from impressive.
The bottom line, no matter where you go, you will do great. Union is small nice friendly campus. You will have a good experience there. Another thing to think about… you can have an MBA from Union (I question the quality of the MBA based on the interview), or an undergrad in business degree from Harvard/uPenn before attending Med school. Everyone know you can’t beat Harvard or Wharton business school… Maybe if you are totally sure about med school, IVY League is the way to go.

Nope. I think they are looking for very specific category… likely AZ HS students favor. Also students who go through medically challenged themselves or who take care of very ill love ones. The essays topic gear toward that… very specific essay topic… strange…

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Thanks for the detailed information. What are you suggestions/opinions of the BS/DO programs if one is interested in Internal medicine. Competition is either of these programs is getting quite intense every year.

Any advise will be helpful

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Lots of good posts on IVIES vs BSMD vs Traditional…

Just few nuggets from my point of view

  • Residencies do matter (and like it or not) so reputed colleges do stand out.
  • People take IVY route as they want to explore connections, opportunities and also prestige (some do for academic too).
  • Not all BSMD are accelerated (and u get the Pro vs cons on accelerated vs normal … that is a separate topic itself :)) so it’s kind of “kid” betting on themselves (or not sure) for another shot at better college

Either way … destination matters …


yes I did . they are sending interview calls till march 5th.

"So if you are one of those, maybe going to top 20 school will be easy for you and they will well prepare you for top 20 med schools in the nation. " - Almost every UG school has a pre-med advisor or pre-health advisor or health career advisor office (name might vary) - All they do is advising/coaching. The “prepare” part is on the student.
Being Ranked at 14, Vandernit annual report on MD Matriculation shows a large percentage of their premed students were accepted into MD schools randomly - even to unranked ones. I guess the story will be same for other T20 schools too.

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Northwestern HPME at one time had 50 seats or more. They kept bringing the numbers down and then one fine day (2 years ago?) they scrapped it.

I know several students and their parents who went through this program. Their view on why it was scrapped was because it was predominantly Asians when it was 50 students, 40, 30 and they decided do away with it for that reason.

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The 2 kids who made it from Vandy to a single digit ranked Ivy in 2021 had almost perfect GPA and 523+ scores.


I have no idea.

Totally agree with your view - Vandy sent students to 144 medical schools in the past 3-4 years!

One has to compare with the applicant pool for BS/MD.
If I understand correctly, ~70%+ are Asian-Americans.

No one is stopping other groups to apply.

Scrapping a program because Asian-Americans kids perform well is probably the worst reason to do so.
We need to remember these kids are American kids and they are smart, hardworking and capable.


BS/DO - it depends on a host of factors.

DM me with details of your specific situation and I will try to respond to that.

Anyone have their Hofstra interview yet? If so, how was it?