Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

@Achutom - Last year @SpeedSkater enrolled in the VCU bs/md program. Maybe you could dm her and request her to answer your daughter’s questions.


Thank you @Vicky2019

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@Vicky2019 made an excellent suggestion.
@speedskater was active on this thread a few weeks ago.
Try that option.


Withdraw now or later???

This post is for students who have multiple acceptances.

IF and ONLY IF you are sure you will NOT be attending a particular college, please think about withdrawing before the medical school interview (if you can) and as early as you can after you have made a decision (if after an interview).

For example (for illustrative purposes only), if you have acceptances at Penn/Jeff, Upstate, VCU, GW, or others and have NO intention of going to Hofstra or Arizona or Stony Brook, it may be a good idea to seriously consider withdrawing from Hofstra/Arizona/Stony Brook/Others before your interview.

Of course, if you think you may decide to go to these colleges, please go ahead and do the interview.


Is anyone got interview from Stony Brook BSMD?

Thanks for sharing that info so we still have hopes then . We got presidential scholarship in NJIT and forwarded to NJMS , I hope it will take us to the interview.

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@NoviceDad @Rali_Jan @cheer2021

Thank you all. I’ll do my best to stay positive. I’m on 3 waitlists, which is better than none, and I’m lucky to have at least that. But it seems that my fate at this point really is dependent on how soon others make decisions and notify schools that they won’t be attending. Again, I appreciate the support.


Good suggestions from @Vicky2019

I would also wait till the results thread is open (As many silent folks will post hopefully).
Also ask your D to check Instagram (kids use it more than FB).

Still time…

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Is interview out?

Thank you! Will do that

Anything but losing hope. You are still the same intelligent person that you are. Something delayed is not something denied. There are a lot of unknowns to every human beyond what we can explain. However this pans out, just be rest assured that all will work out for your good at the end. #KeepHopeAlive!


One of my friend’s son is there from the 2019 cohort. Let me know if u still need further help and I can ask him if it’s ok

@NoviceDad made a very good point as this will open up spots for some exceptional kids (just like you) who have been waitlisted.

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I do not think it’s out yet.

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@deejay19 ; that will be nice. I am just trying my daughter to connect with someone that is already in that program.

Good post.

Another important thing that gets left out (huge) is this.

Lots of colleges don’t get to fill their allocated seats in the end because of late withdrawals.

Here is an example

College A has 10 seats
Offers to 10 prospective students and informs those in waitlist (sorry) or those waitlisted joins somewhere/some course.

2 of them (never had intentions) backs out in the end.

Now college A has admitted 8 students (80%) though they had 10 seats and it’s too late for them (after May) to interview and admit.

That’s why u see always ODD # of students like 11 , 9 , etc.,



Did anyone have their Hofstra interview? How was it?

That’s no problem. I have reached out to him and he said it’s ok. Pls DM me so I can send you his details

Hi, does anyone who received the LECOM email today mind explaining. Will we be hearing from SBU prior to LECOM’s release of acceptance? At the interview, I was told the decision would be released on Wednesday by SBU.

Somebody posted yesterday I think for SBU/GW

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