Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I have one doubt that I was hoping to get clarified. I want to apply to the Temple University BS/MD program and I read online that Temple is test-optional but if you send an official score report to Temple with an SAT score, you are required to send all your SAT scores. Is it possible for me to send only my better score if I do not want to share my lower score? Would this affect my possibility of being accepted into their BS/MD program if I have to submit both scores?
Does anyone have list of other colleges that are requiring all scores to be shared? Thank you so much for your help!

This is in response to the discussion of the importance of APs:

Personally, I believe that when discussing a topic, personal bias plays a big role. For that reason, I’m hesitant to give in my own perspective since I’ve taken a relatively low number of APs (since I’m pursuing an AS in HS) and got around 3-5 B+'s in first 3 years of HS in honors/APs/dual-enrollment.

However, to give my input, I think prospective applicants for BSMDs should take the hardest courses they can handle, while also maintaining a high GPA. This is especially important for schools which use a weighted GPA system so that students achieve the highest wGPA since it shows a combination of rigor and a student’s ability to do well in rigorous classes. To define rigorous classes, it can range from IBs, APs, honors, dual-enrollment, etc. I also think taking STEM-intensive classes (AP Bio/Chm/Phys-C/Calc/Stat) are looked at more favorably than grinding a bunch of non-STEM intensive classes (AP Econ/Euro/etc.). However, non-STEM classes still have value since it shows that you’re not a science nerd (everyone applying to BSMDs are generally science nerds). For that reason, try to use elective slots on STEM-intensive classes and wherever there is a mandatory history class or some sort, take the hardest you can handle while also doing well. I also want to assert that you shouldn’t be caught up in the rigor of the course load. Don’t overpressure yourself such that you end up getting B+'s (this I say with experience). Also, for the audience that has few APs, don’t get caught up with the thread since there are definitely many who get into BSMDs with few APs. Don’t be discouraged and keep giving it your full. Best of luck!

Again, just to reiterate, please take this with a grain of salt. There could be bias in my answer.

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Thank you everyone for your replies! Unfortunately, most people who graduate at the top 5% at DC’s HS did so by taking all honors 9th and 10th and all AP 11th and 12th. Percentiles are based off of weighted GPA at our HS, and every ORM kid accepted to BSMDs/ivies from DC’s HS is in top 5%. However, we do not plan on accelerating curriculum by taking summer classes because older DC did that and it was very difficult. Instead, we will stay in line with what most students do at our HS-- taking most rigorous course-load each year without skipping classes.

For classes, DC will take the 2 AP English’s, the 2 AP Calc’s, AP Bio, AP Physics 1, AP Envirosci, AP Language, AP Psychology, APUSH, and possibly AP Econ’s and AP CSP. We may substitute AP Econ’s or CSP with AP Seminar and AP Research; depends on which classes are easier.

Rest of classes will be honors-level. Because Orgo honors is easier than AP Chem at DC’s HS, DC will take Orgo. DC may also take Microbiology honors if the teacher is doable. Same thing with genetics honors.

DC will end up probably taking only 4-7ish AP exams by junior year: bio, calc ab, english lang, us history, psychology, csp, and an econ. If DC get’s 5’s, we report scores; if not, no big deal. Bad thing is that we can’t substitute AP score spaces with SAT subject tests on Common App because subject tests have retired.

The curriculum seems a bit much, but everyone in DC’s HS who is top 5% has to take all AP/honors only-- that’s the only way to get a weighted GPA high enough for top 5%. AP is given more credit than honors as well, but we cannot make every class AP because that would be insane (although, we’re already doing that in 11th/12th grades) and also because of 9th and 10th grade curriculum restrictions.

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Hi Annika,
My son is interested in BSMD programs. I would love to talk with you.

Yes of course! Please PM so I can give you my contact info.

Sure! Please PM me so I can give you my contact info!

There was a time schools required 2-3 subject tests to apply to BS/MD programs. Is it possible they are indirectly determining the same metrics using AP scores where available if they are not mandatory?

UC-Berkeley is #1 school as per Forbes.

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It is so interesting - this ranking list vs US News.

Someone in this forum had suggested to look at bands, rather than the actual ranking. Top 20, next 30, next 40 and so on.

In this ranking PennState and UPitt are closer to 150. Ha ha !

Wow, D did not want to join CS in UC-Berkley.


Yes, NU-HPME and BU-SMED had SAT-Chemistry as mandatory.

Rankings are not important for medical schools licensed in US by LCME. All US medical schools prepare one to become a board certified MD. Do not pay attention to ranking except for a prestige factor.

to anyone that has previously or already applied to LECOM, when do we get the confirmation email?

Rankings are one thing but end of the day Jefferson and Pitt Med are fairly decent med schools

The College Board had clearly indicated AP exams being a factor in discontinuing SATs.

I do not recall which college this was but it required having a score of 5 on 3 science APs if students were applying test optional.

also how much time do they take to process the application and (possibly) invite for interviews?

Hey everyone,
I am a HS Sophomore, who is extremely interested in BS/MD programs. At the moment, I have earned a grant for $1,000 (from Fuel Up to Play 60/AdCap), which can only be used for community-related benefits. What are some ideas that I could use for this grant so that it could shine on a BS/MD application?

Thanks in advance!

She could have been a multimillionaire in the timeframe she finishes a basic residency!

Older D’s biggest complaint is how much of an easy lifestyle and money she is missing out not starting work after undergrad.

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Hi everyone, does anyone know of any threads that are focused on talking about applying to medical schools to get a full tuition / full ride scholarship? Older DC is interested in this, but I could not find any relevant, active threads on CC or SDN.

It seems like a lot of people are hush hush about this because getting into medical school should be first priority, and it is, but older DC is already in a BA-MD program.