Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I agree with big lake - big fish logic. A local valedictorian kid chose the in-state school, upon asking why… the kid responded “I want to be big fish in a small lake”. LOL.

On the Curve-Grade Deflation-Grade Inflation part…“On a true curve, a certain number of students are given an A in the class, a certain number are given a B and so on. With this, both grade inflation and grade deflation can occur. Instead of a true curve, some professors simply add the number of points to the highest grade in the class to make it a 100. They then give all other students in the class the same number of points to their exam grades. Both of these systems give students a grade that does not necessarily reflect their mastery of the subject. Grading on a curve, grade deflation and grade inflation merely reflect students’ performances as they relate to the grades of other students in the class. When exams are given where the class average is a failing grade, a curve seems necessary so at least some students pass the class.” With that said is JHU does grade inflation or deflation (exam is hard) or curve (grade inflation or deflation could occur depending on how hard the exam is) as a whole? OR does JHU grading policy is left up to the professor? So the professor decides whether to use Grade inflation or deflation or curve for his/her course? Any past/present students in JHU?


Just got in to Hofstra’s 4+4 BS/MD Program!!


Congrats! Is this your first BSMD acceptance?

Congratulations!!! I remember you were quite upset a few weeks ago regarding no acceptance.


Let’s respectfully agree to disagree on this topic and move on.

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All you need is 1 acceptance.

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As I kept saying in the past, one has to self assess how well prepared for college they got in their own high school. Apart from grades, AP / subject test scores, mix of the student population and the students’ caliber in honors classes and one’s own enthusiasm in their favored fields all come into play. For example one may not be truly stand out student with perfect gpa etc in a very competitive high school but may excel even in tough colleges since you are used to the rigor of competition and standards at the said high school level. On the other hand one who breezed through in high school with all A+ s, without much competition may struggle in college.

My nephew who attends an Ivy after graduating near top of the school (but still not a perfect top not being a val/salutatorian) is at the absolute top in every subject at his college even though the student population there is all high achieving. In fact he finds the Math/science course gradings by the Profs easier than they were at his high school. No matter what his score in any subject he takes may have ben at his college, it got to be the top mark in the class. So have no doubts he will flourish his way whatever eventual career path he may want to choose whether to go to medicine, business or law, especially with that particular Ivy having top graduate level programs in all those areas.


Great. Did you receive email or status on admission portal?

Congratulations and good luck!

Wow! Congrats. So happy for you


I think, we all are saying the same thing (but using different jargons)

I would say… there is “more competition” as you are in “highly competitive” environment (and you should be ready) and that’s what these “deflation/inflation” words come. This is common even in our normal work (you got to bring “A game” when you are in great team)

In sport analogy, if you are in tough division you got “hands full” and can’t expect same in other division :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Very happy for you (and IMO), good college.

They communicated very well on the whole process (in fact many times over communicated :)) to keep students/parents good.

Good luck to you on decision.

great news @newt_15, well deserved and congratulations!!!

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I think they are done , we are in the same situation we are visiting all UG’s options.

Has anyone heard back from BU SMED?

Not yet. I thought they said march 26.

Does anyone know when Drexel releases decisions?


Congratulations , Great news !!