Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Did you get a call?

Did you receive email or call or status on admission portal?

Does anyone know how many people are waitlisted at Hofstra and how many get off the waitlist on average? Thanks.

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Thank you for the input, good to know. Any particular reason you’re advising against Sophie Davis?

Has anyone gotten an email from NJIT about acceptance/rejection status?

Did you get an email?

I got an email about NJIT status update this morning - it was just my acceptance back from November though. This might mean NJIT could have gotten an update from NJMS and is promoting admission?

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Does anyone have a perspective on living at home while in a BSMD program? I am not sure how I feel about the idea, especially with an 8-year program. ( I got accepted in Hofstra BSMD today, and am conflicted)


Congratulations.Did u get email about ur acceptance?

same email. it only shows previous acceptance into Biology from October

got the same email. it may be because they sent regular decision notifications to all UG applicants and we got in that bunch?

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Yup just the same undergrad status email

Did you find out your acceptance on the portal, email, or did they call you?

They called me earlier today, and it updated in the portal.

did it update in the portal after they called?

I will not advice it IMO especially for the freshman year. BSMD programs usually have other on campus EC requirements that may require you to work closely with your cohort. So I’ll suggest you stay on campus until you grab a handle of the dynamics

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I guess is you’re talking about Hofstra. I think it doesn’t really matter as there are few kids in the current freshman batch that are commuting and they are doing fine. It depends on how well you can be in touch with all other classmates.


Reach out to @mygrad2021
Their child is in the program.

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My bad - I directed @a_a1 to you but you are here and have responded.

Thank you for all your kind words, it truly means the world. :slight_smile: Yes, it is my first acceptance. I found it in my portal last night but believe they also called this morning to deliver the news. Congratulations to all others who got acceptance and I will keep my fingers crossed for those on the waitlist!