Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

when does NJMS typically send out rejection emails?

so when a student gets to hear from multiple feeder schools they get to choose which feeder to attend ? I heard some BSMD programs restrict to one school and that’s it.

NJMS allows you to pick your feeder school.

Upstate picks one for you.

AMC asks you to apply only through one feeder school.

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Thanks. Would you know if NJMS offers to their top candidates or they take feeder school quotas / count in consideration

My understanding is that they offer to the candidates they see fitting into their requirements.
They are, however, aware of the feeder schools which forwarded them.

Okay thanks. Then only their top candidates get the offer
 not sure how it would play out when many of the selected students wants to attend a given feeder school

Anyone applied for CCNY/ Sophie Davis and head back from them ?

IMO, they do take quotas of feeder school into considerations as my D got into St. Peters, but did not got invited to interview from other schools. As we know, feeder schools have no control over whom NJMS invites to the interview. OR it could be that she did not get invited to NJMS interview for the other feeder schools because they did not rank her high enough on the list. Just a lot of speculation here. :slight_smile:

Big Congatulations!!!

I am super impressed with you D’s productivity!!! Would you mind sharing her profile by PM if possible?

Much are appreciated !!!

@kaj2017 above message

 busy day and congrats to all for you(r) kids admission.

If you have more than 2 to compare then like few folks suggested, prepare a “comparison sheet” with all the key data fields that matter to you and list it for analysis.

As far as residency (I won’t sweat too much for few $$$) as for the MD portion the kids will anyway be > 23 and considered resident (because they would have lived almost 4 years away). As far as other options like buying condo, 529 plans etc., again there are multiple ways and best it to work with an auditor or school itself. I won’t make that a “Critical point” as all colleges will help you to get comply (to finish the degree OOS at least and in case like Seton Hall they will help you with how to become NJ resident)


S got a call followed by email for NJIT-NJMS. Did they send any details or just acceptance. We got just admission confirmation.


yeah, the whole process is very puzzling
 i am amazed there are few who get multiple acceptances for these super selective programs


I would say please share on the RESULTS thread so that every future kid can take inspiration and learnings from your success.


There are certain profiles every school likes based on the packaging of the student and their attributes. If they get interviews, they automatically get selected.

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 it’s lots of “analytics” plus lotto . :rofl:

Plus locations, ORM/Race, diversity and many more add twists to it like a “thriller movie”

Multiple acceptances:

Every year, a few kids will hit a home-run - getting interviews from multiple places and getting accepted from all or most of them.

Congratulations to all of them.

They will certainly have some “hooks” or uniqueness that makes them attractive to all these colleges. One year we had a student who worked with Rohingya refugees who got interviews and acceptances from practically every college he applied. In some cases, it is the combination of things a student has done (including essays and LORs) which sets them apart.

But if you are not one of them, remember all we I need is one acceptance.

Also, if you are one of those unfortunate ones who did not get any BS/MD acceptance, remember this was your FIRST shot at medicine (not your last). Most of the time, these rejections work out as blessings in disguise.

Remember - it is not because you are not smart or did not put in the hard work. It is because the seats are very limited. You are among the cohort of incredibly smart kids with whom the colleges can fill 10X their seats and still not compromise on their quality.
So hang in there.

Again, congratulations to everyone who has at least 1 acceptance, and for the others, we come back and fight another day during the EAP or traditional route cycles.


does anyone know if njit/njms is continuing their calls :((


Well said, I am so fortunate my D got admitted to Hofstra so if tcnj njms does not happen it will be still ok. Thank u for your words of wisdom.


Apologies couldn’t follow the 529 plan in the context of residency. Could you please explain. Thanks

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