Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Please help to provide your opinion on the following acceptances. OOS for all schools:

SUNY Upstate – For undergrad, after scholarship, need to pay $31K/year. Likely she will attend 3 years as she has a lot of AP and college courses. May have to take a gap year doing whatever she wants to do before med school. Assume D will get residency by the time she gets into SUNY Upstate. Total COA for 7 years: ~$345K

Stony Brook – Undergrad – only $10K presidential scholarship, I don’t think she got into WISE as she got into Honors; I don’t see any $ for Honors program (lol). Likely she (I meant I) have to pay $37K/year. Likely she will attend 3 years as she has a lot of AP and college courses. Assume D will get residency by the time she gets into Med program. Total COA for 7 years: ~$374K

St. Peter/NJMS – St. Peters: only pay <$18K/year for room and board. Assume D will get residency by the time she gets into NJMS. Total cost for 7 years: ~ $300K.

Now we are looking at ranking and match list. What other rankings are there besides US News? Stony Brook ranking and match list are the best of the three I think (more research needed!) Stony Brook campus on the web seems nice. NJMS match list is good. SUNY’s is decent, I think. SUNY provides best of application experience and can’t beat Ripa when it comes to making students and parents feel welcome. Can this be a reflection of the school and professors??? St. Peters staff are nice; NJMS staff….hmmm… Definitely need more info on NJMS, but not sure where I can find this. We are going to visit all these schools soon! What am I missing? I started the list, but please help!!!


I am from NJ, one thing that is definitely not great with NJMS is location, Newark area is really bad and hospital is right in heart of Newark, so visit the place and see if you like it. I will only consider njms if $$ is number 1 criteria for selection. Personally I think you should pick one of other two schools even though they are but expensive. Just my 2 cents. I might also be in same shoes if tomorrow we hear back from TCNJ NJMS, my daughter secured bsmd at Hofstra which is much nicer medical school but more expensive than NJMS.


Thanks, I will post it after IVY Super Bowel Day tomorrow!

(Not an attorney or auditor so take it for what it’s worth :slight_smile: )

If you are OOS, one of the requirement/classification for dependency is “who pays the $$$” for college fees…some state 529 plans do help to take money outside and some dont (or reduce)… that’s what i meant.

Thank you! Will update results thread soon and provide as much specifics as I can. Good luck to you as well!

(Edited based on @cheer2021 point out on student count)

Love the details … thanks it helps to discuss. ( I don’t know much about NJMS)

The suggestions , I have

  1. After visiting the UG (I am assuming Purchase) and how do you/your kid feel. This is very important and may sway results.
  • I won’t pay more weightage to ranking (As many depends on the specialty like Primary, surgery etc.,). College A may be best in Specialty Surgery but suck in Primary Care… I will use the ranking to see. is it consistently GOOD/BETTER that’s all.

With that said. here is my opinion

  1. SUNY & Stonybrook are both good in ranking and SUNY has been there for 100+ years… meaning producing 140 students every year and StonyBrook 136 students (wrongly stated before as 60) . W.r.t student size and graduation rate SUNY > SB

  2. WISE is an all women college … so if ur D like it … then it’s Plus… SB > SUNY (Was pointed out that WISE is not an option… which means u can ignore this)

  3. Communication and follow up are important to some and not to others so SUNY > SB

  4. See few threads ago on the match… IMO SUNY match is good with all the flavors of specialty (Remember kids change mind on specialty so i would like to have choices) and SB has little more specialty areas in PDONG but almost close …little bit edge to SB (or tie)

So summary SUNY > SB but won’t go wrong in either of them

Thanks, i believe 529’s are considered as parent assets.

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just started reading…i guess i am wrong… good point. Worth exploring

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Good points… If I may

  1. Every college may look at an applicant in different way (You may NOT be selected in VCU/AMC but got in BU SMED, REMS). What does it mean…no way to know :rofl: LOL. It means each one has different criteria. That’s all.

  2. Narrow down or eliminate (and please withdraw as soon as you know) the lists . My D just did this with planned visits next week.

There is huge advantage (IMO) as it helps reduces the tensions and also helps (hopefully) others in the waiting list…


Didn’t know much about Upstate and NJMS, I think you can cover the below topics in your visit to the Stony Brook Campus or do some research on google/SDN.
a.Not sure if you are aware NY Governor named Stony Brook a Flagship University in State - in Jan 2022. This means more funding for research and $$ invested to attract top faculty etc. Read google for updates on this and ask your contact about this during your Stony Brook campus visit.
b.Deep dive in to match list: IMO, take 3-4 years worth of match lists to study their match lists. Is your D inclined towards low competitive specialty or high or in the middle? You can see a trend in their match lists.
c.Dorm during UG part: Stony Brook’s yang hall is the dorm for Honors students. It’s relatively new. During your visit, you can meet dorm RA or at least see the building. West dining is very close by yang hall so honors students have easy access to the food.
d.Research opportunities. Check out their websites for in-house (within campus) research opportunities (all 3 schools).
e.SDN: After you study all these, post a question in SDN for seeking advice on the medical school part (NJMS Vs Stony Brook Vs Upstate).
f. length of the program: how important 7 vs 8 year for your D?
g.Availability of Fast track MS/MBA programs: Stony Brook has MBA fast track program. This means in 4 years you can possibly get both BS and MBA. Not sure if you really care, but it’s an option, not sure if this is available in other colleges. I am seeing a few doctors getting into the admin part in the hospitals in their mid-career.
Good luck.

I concur on student reflection after visiting the campus.
on #1, Stony Brook Medical School has 136 seat intake, not 60.
#2, gradedu’s D got in to Honors so I think WISE wasn’t a choice any more. gradedu can comment on this.

Stony Brook Intake - AAMC Data:
Match List:

For more search on medical school part check:

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Medical school-wise - you will not go wrong with any of the 3 schools you listed.
All have solid programs, have been around, and have built their reputations.

The biggest difference will be in undergrad experience.
Stony Brook is a flagship college of the SUNY system and does attract a vast variety of students, including students who would be academically focused and looking for such challenges.

SUNY feeder schools - except for maybe Syracuse, all other feeder schools attract a specific type of students. For example, Purchase is arts - especially performing arts - focused campus and attracts smart kids who want a career in that track.

St. Peter - I do NOT know much about it other than I spent 5 minutes on their website. It seems like it offers broad-based courses and degrees. It has a total of ~2,200 undergrads - so a small school. I could not gauge much as its Common data set is behind a firewall.

Which of these environments will you D be comfortable?

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Thanks for pointing out… Corrected the response.


Got into NJMS.
Got the call from NJIT.
Rutgers also called a few minutes later which I could not attend.


congrats! do you know around what time NJIT called you?

Around 5 pm ET.

Did anyone hear from Cincinnati yet? During interviews, we were told “end of the month”

Yes. Attended the interview a while back and got regret email today. I am OOS.

why does NJIT/NJMS risk not becoming a doctor?

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Did you get a call from NJIT or NJMS for the admission? Does anyone know if more calls will come tomorrow?


@Rali_Jan, @cheer2021, and @novicedad,
Thanks all for you input and advices.

D felt Honors was the most difficult one to get in so she listed it as her first choice, not WISE as her first choice. We need to call Stony Brook because she told me they only accept a small number of Honors and there they accept more WISE. Now I am confused! lol.

Art is not her thing, and Purchase is not feeder school. Will provide more data on result link about feeder school when all school responses are in. She is still waiting for two more schools. She does not know what she wants until after visiting all schools… She feels very fortunate now because she worried that she would have been lucky to get into into one.

Where can I find the match list for Stony Brook for several years? not on the student doctor network either.

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