Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I sent you DM on how to pull match-list for multiple years.

I thought it was just the NJIT Honors undergrad (not the BS/MD program).

Any regular pre-med undergrad has the risk of not getting into medical school.

Thank you

Congratulations so you got into NJMS vis both feeder schools Rutgers and NJIT?

Anyine in here with TCNJ feeder to NJMS got a call or heard anything? Based on feedback from a member seems like last year TCNJ announcement came 1 day after NJIT.

Hi, can you also send me PM on where I can get match list for hofstra

Could you please DM me too

Anyone here have thoughts on Syracuse/SUNY Upstate BSMD. You can DM or post here.

As far as I know you can see Hofstra match list for the last 5, 6 years if you google. They only post it as an image and I don’t know if there is a better way to look at this data. @cheer2021 , post it here so everyone can benefit.


Syracuse, as a feeder school, was added to the SUNY Upstate BSMD program last year.
Syracuse offers a large university undergrad experience.
Upstate is a solid medical school.
Winter weather at both places will require adjusting for folks from relatively warmer climates.

What specific questions or concerns do you have?
What alternatives are you comparing Syracuse/ Upstate with?

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I disagree. The location of NJMS is not that bad and all the concerns raised in the past about security in the area etc. are overblown. As long as one is careful and exercises common sense, should not get into any trouble. Also in the past 3-4 years there has been a lot of push to develop business in the area by the government and enterprise, so there has been upgrade in the overall environment of the city itself.

Yes, the ambience around the place is not fancy compared to other places. Being close to inner city does have its advantages though (like many of the famous hospitals in Chicago area and elsewhere in the nation). Students get exposure to a richer clinical experience compared to those in hospitals in upscale suburbs. Who knows, the location is probably one of the factors helping the students at NJMS get into good residencies?

While some students and parents are averse to the environment, some others love it, especially those opting for NJIT/Rutgers Nwk feeders. At least for 2 reasons, they are so close to the facility all 7 years and have a good exposure all through and secondly NYC is at a very convenient distance.

But again, it is up to each student to make the decision for themselves after visiting all the places they have had their acceptances and attending all the sessions and talking to folks.


Yeah I agree. I’m from NJ and NJMS has a great reputation for being an excellent medical school here. Newark has a lot of opportunities to help serve underprivileged populations as well!

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Will NJIT/NJMS still send out acceptances? Or if you did not get called yesterday does that mean you have been rejected?

Visited NJMS a while ago (2017) for some official work. Was waiting to take a late flight back…thought would just take a stroll around .to pass time…staff said not advisable to roam outside …that itself is enough for me …to consider that area unsafe … but residents of NJ know better

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Look Parents/C’s should definitely visit NJMS and make their own decision based on location, school, safety etc. NJMS is a good medical school highly rated no doubt but as I said the area around is not that great, I have been in NJ for 25+ years so know the area well. Also make sure to check the area in the evening time to get a perspective. All parents/C’s should be proud of who got into NJMS it highly competitive school to get into in NJ.


just got an acceptance to Sophie Davis!


Congratulations. Have you received an email?

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Got into the TAMU S2M program yesterday!


For my son, both Rutgers & TCNJ forwarded to NJMS. NJMS interview completed 2 weeks back. we have not received any update. Not sure if any hope left for my son on this.

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I think results for NJIT/Rugters Feeders to NJMS are out yesterday, TCNJ no feedback or response yet. Hopefully something will come in today, my D is also waiting to hear from TCNJ/NJMS, she already has been offered admission Hoftsra BSMD program

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