Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Yes, mileage varies from student to student and some need more study time or gets stressed out. My kid didn’t have easy class schedule given that he went for hard science major and first author level research but he had lot of fun during UG, summer stints in Latin America and Europe and visited multiple European countries. He participated in lot of fun activities while maintaining perfect GPA. As a Parent I made sure he is not getting stressed out. I advised against going for double majors or double minor. He kept it simple and planned 4 years ahead. That’s the recipe for traditional path.

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For traditional route medicine - You will find great advise in Student Doctor Network


I am welcoming all suggestions and insights on this topic. So feel free to put your opinion out. Appreciate your comments.

How would you place Cincinnati program?

I am very new to this forum so i don’t know all the veterans out here. You and few others sound like been there seen that… out of curiosity your kid is taking a traditional route ? Where is your kid in this journey if you don’t mind sharing…

I don’t think so.
Usually, one goes to another forum - SDN.

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There are separate threads on CC for the following:

Please post questions on those topics on those threads.
Many of us are on those threads as well.

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For folks wanting to share their stats+perspectives, the link to this year’s RESULTS thread is here:

Cincinnati is a solid medical school.

What are you comparing it with?

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Thanks @NoviceDad. SUNY Upstate with no MCAT is very good. My DD is interested in NeuroSurgery and was wondering which of the two would she have a better shot at residency match on Neurosurgery. We are PA based and got good coaching on how to get instate fees for SUNY upstate. Cincinnati COA is low for UG and Med school.

Interestingly, no one has so far shared any acceptances from Brown/PLME.

Here is one in the PLME ED route…


Data points for you to consider:

Cincinnati has averaged 8 students in Neurosurgery/Neurology/Child Neurology specialties in the past 3 years in a class size of about 180 to 200.

Upstate has averaged 2.67 students in the same 3 specialties in the past 3 years in a class size of about ~175.

He is first year Med student. Read the BSMD applicants experience thread.

I got into Brown PLME!!!

Would love anyone’s input because I also got into my in-state BSMD. So grateful to have these options, but I am facing a tough dilemma.
PLME will be $700k and APME will be around $10k because of full-ride in state that also covers some med. Will my career and Match be significantly impacted if I decline PLME?

Any sort of advice will help. Thank you in advance :slight_smile:


Not sure , i understand… what coaching for getting Instate fees in SUNY Upstate.

Is that not based on residency?

Also if you search this thread before (there is a data from SDN ) on all residency matches…

Based on that SUNY gets around 2-4 max on Neuro every year… on a whole surgery is less always… that match is compatible with other colleges (other than bigger ones like Harvard,Vanderbilt which may be little more )

Brown PLME is not worth $700k. It’s not even aT20 medical school.


@Rali_Jan @Guard
Here is “New York State Residency Determination for Tuition Purposes” info from Update website:

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DS got rejected from Brown plme but got accepted to its undergraduate. Can someone comment on its traditional premed route comparing to Rice? Thanks!

My S also got in PLME. I will DM you .