Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Did you attend their parents meet after your Hofstra interview? Has anyone asked this question? If not You better check with Hofstra directly. please post the summary of their response here.

You should only do BSMD if 100 percent sure otherwise you are stuck at college not your first choice

D is having a pretty difficult time to decide and need help.
She was accepted at NJIT/NJMS, 7 yrs program with full ride and also at TTU/UMSI, 8 yrs, full ride but not interested in the UMSI program as in the NJMS.

Also accepted at the following pre med UG: Vanderbilt (with full ride plus stipends), Rice, WashU and Northwestern with no scholarship. But we have put money aside in case she wants to go to a pre med UG with no scholarship.

What would be the best option here, among these pre med schools, for her to get into a good medical school in case she donā€™t take the NJIT/NJMS offer?

How strong is the NJIT/NJMS program ? Would she be able to get into a good residency program?

Just some additional information, she enjoys neuroscience but not sure about medical specialty or research she wants to pursue.

We are visiting Northwestern and WashU soon during the designed accepted student info day. Hopefully this will help a bit. We have already visited NJIT/NJMS, Rice and Vanderbilt.

Any help/word of advise is very much appreciated. This is all new to us as she is the first, our oldest, one ready to start college. Thank you!

We have contacted many people to get an idea for suggestions for PMM/BU/PLME/NJMS options.
PMM- great support system and collaboration between PMM kids. Jefferson is a pretty good med school.
BU- great medical school ranking wise. In a big city for whoever is interested. GPA maintenance is but difficult in the first year and overall requires more work than other programs listed above.
NJMS- not desirable area. Good exposure for patient population. Same level of research experience as almost all other colleges. Nothing special. Ranking is low so not sure how that affects.
PLME- 8 years so one extra year than the other programs. Ivy name might bring you more opportunities in academics or governmental positions if you desire so. Ivys try very hard to make sure their kids are doing well to keep their reputations. Cost almost same as BU(higher than other 2). I am not sure if all PLME kids are interacting with each other like the other BSMD programs.
Let me know thoughts


Iā€™m in a tough situation right now, and I was wondering if anyone had any input:

I somehow got into Yale yesterday! The school is amazing, and Iā€™d honestly love to go there. However, Iā€™ve also been accepted to RIT/Upstateā€™s BS/MD program, which has very lenient requirements (no MCAT, 3.5 GPA, etc.) and is relatively close to home.

Yale would cost 75K annually, whereas RIT is closer to 45K. Costs arenā€™t a major factor for my family, but Iā€™m still considering that aspect given how expensive medical school is, too.

Iā€™m honestly completely lost on what I should do. Does anyone know what the pre-med environment is like at Yale? Would going there be worth sacrificing my current spot in med school?

Thanks all!

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Hands down Vanderbilt in my opinion. WashU and Northwestern are not that much greater when there is so much money on the table.


There are two kids who got scholarships from Vanderbilt, excelled in school and ended up at a school last year in medicine with some scholarships that Benjamin Franklin is supposed to have started.


You should go to Yale if you have any doubts about becoming a doctor. Their premed is considered quite good and most people wanting to do medicine after Yale usually end up in medicine.

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Very simple ā€¦if u donā€™t want BSMD

Vanderbilt > NorthWestern > Washu ā€¦ in your caseā€¦ because of everything you get for your case.

In general NW is amazing (tough to crack)

Good luck

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@s.d ā€¦ Agree with Texaspg ā€¦

If Yale is your #1 ā€¦ and you ā€œare NOT SURE of BSMDā€ then go for it.

Do note that though you get lot of options (bcoz IVY schools open many doors if you change mind),.

You have to understand that it doesnā€™t guarantee (or easy to crack) always the MD of Yale from Yale UG usually but bcoz you are in Yale UG (Premed) you may have better choice in other med schools (if you maintain good credentials all along)

Good problem to have :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: Just my thoughts and not pushing one way or other (so need to :fire:)

I saw others have pointed to a larger thread .on this BSMD vs Traditional.

  1. If you are 100% doctor sure now and like the college. ā€¦ then BSMD ā€¦ simple
    1A) Which BSMD (more than 1) ā€¦ here personal feelings play role($$, liking, location, dorms, weather, whatever) and unfortunately none can gauge other than you. On a whole as long as the colleges are there for a whileā€¦ you are in good hands.

  2. If not 100% choose Traditional
    2A). Remember u got BSMD now (with your hardwork) thatā€™s 1 in 200 seats out of around 8K-10K applicantsā€¦ so you can certainly beat the crap later in traditional path (if you follow the same good habits).
    2B) Which Traditional College (more than 1)ā€¦ here again personal ($$,locations, opportunities academic/reputation/IVY etc.,) plus what you want to do in the future plays along which only you can decide

We all have seen/heard/read success stories (by folks taking all the paths) and also in this forumā€¦ so all the ways can be successful (or failure depending on your effort)

Good luck


IMO, if your D wants to be physician for sure then take NJMS 7yr bsmd route, if your D not sure then take Vanderbilt traditional route.
With NJMS you need to compromise on ranking, location (Newark) etc. Where your D did UG and MD matters least compared to MD GPA, Step 2 score, ECs and Research experience in Medical school while applying for Residency.
With other traditional route options you have - there is risk of derailing from Premed path due to weed out courses or change interest etc, possibility of going to low or unranked medical schools, may need to take gap year(s) and loose interest etc.
It is quite possible your D could end up going to NJMS again or even to low ranked ones for MD after completing UG at any of the choices you have mentioned.
IMO, you should read below Vanderbilt Premed matriculation info. Some made their way to T20 MD schools, but all rest ended up going to other MD schools irrespective of rankings.
Good luck to your D.

For those who are accepted in PLME and wish to connect with other kids, please DM me. I believe their accepted student days are April 8,13,22.
We are going to go on April 13 as most of the other accepted students date is April 8th

I meant Drexel BSMD and NYIT BSDO sorry

I think Brown will have great undergrad experience and builds Ivy legacy for next gen. I think financial ROI tough to predict but presuming you increase your odds of doing something great by leveraging the brown network more?

Congrats!!! Would go to Yale as long as you donā€™t mind putting in work again to get into medical schools. You will get into med schools after Yale.

My kiddo got accepted into Duke and Dartmouth for pre med. Also UMKC 6 yrs BS MD (No MCAT & No min GPA) and RPI/AMC 7 yrs program. Very determined to be a doctor, done a lot of rigorous study, challenging course load, leadership ECs, research, volunteering shadowing for past 3+ yrs. Wants to be a neurosurgeon and wonder if medical school ranking would matter for residencies. Any inputs?


Which scholarship did she get at Vandy? Donā€™t recall them having full ride, only full tuition.

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Good question. With USMLE STEP 1 exams becoming pass/fail I think medical school reputation/recommendations and connections will play more of a role instead of academic merit. Thatā€™s what happens with more ā€œholisticā€ admissions. Right now no knows how this pass/fail method will mean as itā€™s first year of implementation

And step 2 scores