Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I don’t know. I went to a tippy top undergrad and then made it into a tippy top medical school, and neither I nor my peers (including engineering folks) felt like it was too much work… We just worked hard and got it done…

Thank you for the response. really appreciated.

I am thinking about calling Harvard financial aid to match Stanford package. Can you please advise me, what to ask or mention to make financial aid case stronger? Any help or suggestion is apperciated as I never negotiated. Thank you in advance.

Did anyone receive admission to Stony brook BS-MD?


Nice, same here.

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I dont think much of the stanford article primarily because their goal is not to weed out premeds but educate their students well. From I was reading, they were trying to help by designing new classes. I was not sure about the other article which said some professor claimed it was their job to weed out med school applicants and I think that is totally the wrong goal because people attending other schools dont have profs with similar goals.

The weedout should be done by making MCAT harder if there is such a thing since it is common for all applicants.


Congratulations. Are you from NY area?

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If everyone gets As it’s tough to give strong LORs to everyone :grinning:

Yes, long island

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Please share your stats and perspectives in the RESULTS thread.
Here is the link:


hi all, im currently deciding between a couple of schools and i’d love to get this forum’s input on my decision. i’ve been accepted to rems, drexel/drexel, rpi/amc, upenn, cornell, washu, rice, and tufts so far. im mostly between rems vs. upenn. i’m curious to get everyone’s perspectives on which program/school would be best to attend and why.

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IMO, if you want to be physician for sure then go with REMS, if you are not sure then go with UPenn understanding the risks in the Premed path. Good luck.

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What r u concerns or what do u look for.

It’s very tough to compare these many colleges without your need without above questions( even search engines like Google, Bing need keywords :slight_smile: to give proper results.

Like Cheer2021 said… if you have decided Med then REMS > Drexel > AMC… or just want reputed and want to think again… Cornell, UPenn, Rice and Tuffs

Good luck

what’s better Rowan SOM, NYIT COM, NSU KPCOM? all their program have similar requirements and all are 7 yr too.

(personally i am from NJ)?

Will Pitt Gap results come this week or next?

What are the matriculation reqs and COA for these choices? Are you planning to apply out or just continue with BSDO? If you are planning to apply out do they all reserve your seat? Did you look into each of these choice’s match lists for the last 3-4 years?

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Does anybody know how many kids will be waitlisted in Rice/Baylor Medical program. If a kid is waitlisted do they have any chance of being accepted into the program before May1st. Can anybody please reply. Thank you

Rice/Baylor waitlists all students who qualified for an interview but were not admitted.
Very rare to see movement on that waitlist.


If Rowan is cheaper due to in-state fees, go there.
Otherwise NYITCOM.

Thank you for sharing your stats and perspective in the Results thread.

Congratulations on UCincinati. Very happy for you and wish you the very best.