Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

This is a 3+4 program. Students can only start MD after 3 years. During the 3rd year, students can usually participate in full-time research or clinical position or some approved position. Students can apply to outside research institutes with the Program director’s approval as part of the co-op program from eberly college of science as well. students take MCAT after 2+ years,

Personally, 3+4 is much better than 2+4 BSMD programs. In 6 years programs, students would need to take MCAT after their 1st year which means would need to take organic chem courses during the first year itself!

Didnt realize there are 6 programs mandating MCAT. That is really tough.

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I talked once to Howard 2+4 years program student

Not wanting to take a test if one can avoid it to doesn’t equate to test avoidance on all fronts. I mean that’s quite a leap in totality there.

I wouldn’t say easy so much as less frenetic may be the better wording. He’s still taking a heavy course load and just added back research but is only doing 1 club instead of 7, or only volunteering twice a month now instead of 10 hours a week plus 2 days of lab research.

I do think he will ramp back up and conceptualizes the massive undertaking of med school, but for a semester or two, from the parent perspective, it hasn’t been 80 hour weeks. For which I am grateful. And this summer will be a month in Europe instead of more classes, more internships. We are going to see the remaining ancient wonders and visit 7 countries :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@sonihm - Totally agree with @srk2017 . Full ride at Emory is the best and you could use the money for med school. Another side benefit is and based on guess only - at Harvard or Stanford, you will be like all other students. At Emory, you could try to be top of the class with hard work and focus. This could potentially get you into better-med school.

And, from all the discussions you are having - you are really overthinking!


I didn’t say that.

I wonder how difficult it is to achieve MCAT scores of 75%-tile for BS MD students if daughter is considering Stony Brook. thanks.

75% and 80% are only 2 points apart (509 vs 511).

Are there any minimum numbers to be met in each category? Usually those are harder to manage than the total because people are always good at 2-3 sections and have issues with one.

“As per my finding, Standford appears to be more towards technology and Engineering and US based recognition vs harvard is more better for premed and world recognition”

This is absolutely not true. And it’s Stanford, not Standford.

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50% min for each section. That should be achievable.

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75-80% MCAT score shouldn’t be tough for strong test takers. What are you child’s standardized test scores?

1530 750 English 780 Math

No science SAT IIs?

Bio 700 (?) and math 2 800
More 5 than 4 in APs

I can’t find the SAT - MCAT correlation analysis by someone on the web. I saw that before….

If SAT bio and Chem are below 750, I would worry about MCAT

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Read this.

The SAT 2 tests are being discontinued and many were cancelled during Covid.

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Thank you.

Please keep discussions of financial aid off this thread.

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