Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Not sure if the data you are looking for exists in place for T10s. Here is “how many have applied from each Ivy to MD school in 2021-22” AAMC data in which you can see Ivys…Not surprised to see 5 UCs in the first 20 colleges on this list.

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Hi both my kids did, one got into Princeton(freshman), MIT and PMM BSMD and picked Princeton and yes it is hard to keep up the GPA but always says thank god I did not pick BSMD as it was very hard decision for us also. And now doing ORFE and premed which will be hard path keep high GPA. And one got into UPenn(sophomore), Brown and RPI/AMC and picked Upenn(3.98). Yes it is challenge, but you got to go once at UG so make most of it. And Harvard you do not have to worry about GPA. But is up to the kids whatever they decides is up to them. As a parent I always wanted them to go to BSMD, so guranteed med school.


@muscarf - Good to hear your kids are doing great. I remember you from previous threads.

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If its just comparison between those 2 (Yale and Upstate) and you wanted BSMD… then there is “no need to double think” :slight_smile:

With that said… Upstate is been there for 100+ years and producing candidates (so they must be doing something good).

Again it all comes down to what you are “looking for” . In other words… what are your worries/concerns with one over other…

I have not heard anything on web/students bad about Upstate…

Good luck

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I am talking with respect to the number of applicants those apply .
Let me try this…

NOTE: It’s just an example… and no need for flames

College A = 10 Seats ( in Tri state)
So app … 5 Caucasian, 1 UIM, 1 Others, 3 ORM to present a diverse class ( I didn’t add additional layer like OOS and other possibilities)

In the above , which group do u think will have “more applicants” (…Ans: ORM… particularly with the location)

Flip the same… to College B (in Indiana/whatever)… the answer may change with respect to applicants.

It’s a known fact that lots of ORM applies to BSMD or Medical in general than next group.

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Sounds like a good plan. Save decent money for now, do well at RIT which is a good undergrad school and who knows you may still end up at Yale med school if you opt to apply out. The converse may not be true, i.e. going to Yale for undergrad may not translate to getting into their med school for most of the folks (have known few people who went through that experience, with the same school)

Don’t start worrying about match lists now itself. You have a long way to go before making that decision and people change their minds . Eventual goal is to get into the field of medicine that one feels most enthused about and fulfilled in based on one’s own feel and not off others’ opinions or money making (for that you could choose many other professions which make you richer and faster)

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AMC is a solid med school which has been around for a long time and RPI is an excellent undergrad which prepares one well for the rigors of med school anywhere (if one chooses to apply out). Usually RPI is generous with scholarships and their Physician Researcher pathway opens many excellent medical ecs and research options for this cohort which may be not so easy for others at RPI. @OldSchoolMD had great things to say about the program if you want to refer to last cycle’s humongous thread.

Yes there may be few draw backs, though RPI is a stunning campus the neighborhood may not be all that pleasing to the eye, but one is not going there for a picnic right? Weather may not be ideal for everyone, so yes one has to make the decision for oneself after visiting the place and considering everything if you have to spend up to 7 years at both the campuses. Albany houses some of the well known medical research companies, like for example Regeneron.

One of my colleague’s son is an alumnus of the program and has done extremely well. Few others, besides @OldSchoolMD, in last year’s thread also shared about the wonderful outcomes of their acquaintances who were alumni of this program. And the year prior I do remember a student chose to go to the program over Duke undergrad.


Any body accepted for casewestern UG for Spring 2023

Anyone hear back from Pitt GAP after the interview?

Is anyone admitted into Case PPSP going to the admitted student program on April 14-15?
We should share contact info and stuff

I am going on April 21-22


Looks like except for @blueeee, no one has posted on the RESULTS thread yet.

Requesting folks who benefited from this forum to share their STATS+Perspectives so that future parents and students can benefit from your experiences.

Here is the link:

D is in the same situation as you. Trying to decide between NJIT/NJMS (also free ride at NJIT) and other prestigious pre med schools (including free tuition + stipends) at Vanderbilt. Have you visited NJMS and talked to anyone there? Feel free to dm to compare notes.

Hi everyone! I will be attending the TU/OU Preview on April 15. Is there anyone else who has been accepted to the ECCM program in Tulsa? If so, please feel free to contact me and we can connect!

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It’s ridiculous to say that kids are going to school not for picnic when they have concerns about a particular location. May be some never leave campus but lot of kids look for various activities outside of the campus for fun and enrichment. Some of the kids are lucky enough to have multiple choices and they want to have best of everything.

Sounds good, thanks for the advice!

I still want to consider match lists, though, even if I haven’t decided what specifically I want to do as a physician. It would hurt to commit to a medical school eight years early, only to find out that the institution isn’t great at sending students where they can truly reach their potential.

Fortunately, a lot of current students seem to love Upstate from what I can find online, so I’m not that concerned anymore.

Thank you! I’ve heard overwhelmingly positive things about Upstate, too, especially from current students and graduates.

I think I’m a little less stoked about RIT, but it’s still a nice school in its own right. Given the reduced costs and added convenience of attending, I think that’ll be my eventual choice. It’s just hard to say no to HYPSM lol

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Thank you @Rali_Jan for posting your D’s experience in the RESULTS thread.
Congratulations to your D for the BS/MD college she chose.


thank you for clarifying!

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