Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Yes, you can match into competitive specialties from NJMS.
Look at NJMS’s match list that @Nav123 provided - you will see matches into competitive specialties. NJMS has a solid reputation for generating good clinicians - doctors with wide clinical experience. The breadth of medical cases one gets exposed at NJMS is truly remarkable.

A lot depends on the individual students’ interests. For example, my D has no interest in Derm, one of the competitive specialties. But she has interests in cardiology and is working to gain experience around that. Who knows during M3 rotations she may develop other interests.

So, if you work towards your aim, you are likely to achieve it at NJMS.


Case PPSP apparently specifically banned gap years and only considered the interview as a formality in the previous years. They changed the gap year policy and the interview policy for this year.

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As far as I know the interview was always there

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Avg MD applicant submits about 70 applications for residency. Applicants seeking admission in Competitive specialities generally submits more…as many as 90+.
A known person from local area submitted nearly 80 applications, got 35 interviews (all virtual this year), finally got in to DOPEN speciality in a T50 medical school.
While you do rotations in M3, usually applicants develop/change interest in one way or other, in some cases people from HS year itself fix to one residency program. You can’t go wrong with NJMS. Good luck.

I know one candidate who applied to over 100 residency programs.
Got 10 interviews and was matched to the top choice in IM.


Thank you.
I do not recall ever discussing medical school interviews during undergrad years with any of my students. So, for me, it either did not exist before or was a formality not to be worried about.
So, this policy change is not a good sign.

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From case website “Participants who do not meet the required levels of performance may still be admitted into the University Program of the School of Medicine, but such admission will be subject to review and approval by the School of Medicine’s Admissions Committee.”


Again - this becomes discretionary on part of the Admissions Committee.

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Accepted into Siena/AMC. Can everyone please share their thoughts, experiences, opinion of this program? The match list at AMC seems solid


Hey, all!

I’m still deciding between Yale and RIT/Upstate, though I’m starting to lean more toward the BS/MD.

I’m not too familiar with what a good match list looks like, so could someone take a look at Upstate’s matches ( and provide some feedback. I’d appreciate it!

Outside of residency positions, I’m really looking at the cost right now. RIT would cost 45K annually, whereas Yale would be pushing 80K. I’m in-state for Upstate, too, so I’d be spending less than 50K compared to the 70K+ at most medical schools.

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Has anyone else gotten into RPI/AMC and considering it? Please also share opinions on AMC and the school’s strengths compared to others

“Others” like what? Please list.

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Looks lot of people like AMC because there is no MCAT requirement which is plus and match list also seems to be solid, its a well-organized program that is around for some time. Some Cons to consider, AMC is not ranked in USNEWS, I am not sure WHY, it also has many feeder schools which may be a con for some, also weather in Albany can be brutal in winter (if you are coming from west coast) needs time to adjust.

Yes that’s true. Any of the schools in Upstate NY will have difficult winters: St Bonaventure, University of Rochester, Albany, RIT, Syracuse, etc.

HI, Did u also get in Hofstra as well as AMC, between these 2 I would definately reocmmend Hosftra… Ironically my C is also in the same situation and we will be most likely commiting to hofstra soon. Its a much better program with access to Northwell hospitals and is ranked 64th by US NEWS, it also has more collaborative curriculum as compared to book focused if you know what I mean

Could you please clarify a little bit? So, there are more ORM applicants, but more Caucasians actually get admitted, right?
It means that it is easier for Caucasians to get in?

Do we have similar reports from other T10 UG schools

Troy (where RPI) looks like a ghost down. That was the first interview my son got and attended 5 years back and there itself he said he is not going there :slight_smile:

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I agree after all our C has to spend 8 + years in that area so they should like it !!