Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I think the best option for you is to speak with current students at NYIT.
Usually, upper classmates are the best sources for professors, their teaching style, homework load and grading.

I will make a post on the results page as soon as I am able!

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Thanks for suggestion. I have spoken to a large number of current students and have shadowed at my college/program of interest. I certainly will keep seeking more data points so that I can make a choice soon

Rowan DO. I have been thinking about and talking to a lot of practioners and students. I feel Osteopathy medicine is the right choice for me, and do understand some of the associated challenges with it. My goal is to work in Preventive medicine and feel a Osteopathic path will better suit me. I did speak with a few current Rowan DO students, seems like an excellent program and environment.

NYU has a much better program in Data Science & Computational biology and provides a lot of flexibility. I have talked to students from both the colleges and feel that NYU will offer a better platform for me in those areas along with Math (their Math school is one of the best).

Both Rowan and NYU are close to my home and would make a perfect choice.


Thank you for sharing this.

One question - have you spoken with students at GW-Med and AMC?
You know you can do preventative medicine by being an MD as well.

Also, what if you develop a liking and interest in some other specialty?
An MD may offer you more optionalities.

I will share a case of someone I know very well. the person had an option to do MD or Dentistry. She felt she was made for each other in the Dentistry path. She chose that. Two years into the program she realized her love for dentistry was not as much as she initially thought. She later did MPH and is doing medical research now. There are times she regrets not choosing the MD path.

A suggestion - if you have the ability to keep options open, seriously consider that.

Again, congratulations, and wishing you the very best in whichever option you choose.


Both medicine paths and all colleges are great. I have 2 family friends at RPI + AMC and have spoken to them, visited GW campus also. I do also closely understand some of the challenges in either of the paths. There are several factors in my choice including distance from home, campus vibe, environment etc. I have also looked at residency matches (5 years) very closely. Rowan SOM (along with other choices) has an excellent match, particularly in the tri-state area where I want to be. Yes, I do understand interests can change as I evolve, and feel very confident in either pathways.

NYU seems a great option as well to explore my passion in Math, Music, and Data Science.

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I am not sure if you mentioned your home state or I may not have read, but if Math is your passion and your home state happens to be NJ do consider Rutgers. It has a darn good Math department. Most students of BS/MD caliber are given full rides + portion of on campus boarding expenses also. One can do a minor, or even double major in CS (also very good there), music, data science etc, all in a span of 4 years.

Were you awarded any price breaks by NYU? I am reminded of my colleagueā€™s child who got into their pretty reputed business school Sterns for undergrad but no awards of any kind. S/he chose to attend another well known, but not as reputed, school in Boston area with a 30 or 35k price break.

Cornell is a known grade deflated school, especially for engineering. Chances are the same may be applicable to Math too, you have to find out. If your idea is still to keep the med school option open while you explore your interest in Math etc, then it may not be right school.

Not anything against Rowan BS/DO, but both GW and RPI/AMC are excellent programs. Some 4 or 5 years ago we came across this student who got into about half a dozen or so 7 year programs (s/he didnā€™t apply for any 8 year ones) but chose to go to GW ahead of some other more reputed 7 year programs (of course part of the decision making may have been proximity to home, but not the sole factor)

Good luck with wherever you choose to go.

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Your thought process (or should i say analysis) is very good.
Thatā€™s simply what i tell folks (who DM or ask ). Itā€™s NOT what I think , itā€™s what you want.

This is one of the good logic to be followed on what u want, what u feel comfortable (even if it may not be the popular one). It should suit you (and your family/good wishers). thatā€™s what matters.


Is Thomas Jefferson is good University. This University is affiliated to LECOM and near to our home.

Looks like you have done your homework.
That is wonderful.
I like you know what you want and are happy with your choices.

Wishing you the very best.

I do not have a firsthand answer but will like to remind you that any major outside of Biology and Chemistry will cover less of your premed requirements and will mean you have to take more outside courses to make up which will increase your workload and negatively impact your GPA. My advice is if you are sure about medicine, then go with Bio or Chem


Thanks a lot for your advise rk2017. I got into Rutgers Honors college with a decent scholarship, and no scholarship from NYU. Fees still is a consideration, but NYUs data science and math department, professors, research, and intern opportunity seem quite good. I did speak to some of their data science students, and met 2 of their past DS students all speak highly of the program and professors. If, I choose premed route I will carefully consider between Rutgers and NYU but am leaning more towards NYU at this time.

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Someone who just graduated from Rowan MD was also admitted to DO (after doing undergrad elsewhere). I was surprised to see Rowan charges more for DO than MD when I was evaluating the programs for the student.

Goodluck with whatever you choose to do.

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Can someone help me decide between Duke/Rice and Case PPSP/UAB EMSAP?

Case Western PPSP: 30 k scholarship/year only for undergad,
UAB EMSAP: full ride undergrad, can apply out, 8 years

Rice: 20 k scholarship/year
Duke: no scholarship

My main goal is to get into a competitive specialty and maybe do something in public health later on.

I would do the UAB EMSAP honestly. Many people from the EMSAP end up at incredible schools -and the level of opportunity available at UAB is incredible (especially as an EMSAP student). Iā€™d use the full ride to your advantage and work hard as a premed to end up at a better medical school. If you are unable to do so, UABā€™s match list is pretty good and you should be able to match well (considering obviously that you do well in the med school). However, a part of the appeal of BS/MDs is that you can relax a bit in undergrad too. Still, Iā€™d chose EMSAP. Good luck!


Any advice on choosing between Hofstra BSMD and Washington Jefferson + Temple BSMD. I am getting similar amounts of merit aid, so cost is not an issue.

For LECOM we have four UG options
Thomas Jefferson ( close to home 2 hr drive) , st. Bonaventure ( remote place- we are ruling out this option) Syracuse( 4 and half hour drive) , RIT (6 hrs).
Any suggestions to pick UG. And is it worth going far for UG if decide going to LECOM for Med college.

Please suggest

Depends on your childā€™s likes and leanings. Does she have inclination towards technology, analytics, problem solving, designing etc and likes such stuff? That can be a valuable asset whether going to medicine or even if there is a change of mind later. What are the costs like? Are all these undergrads similar in price range? Is she more of liberal arts/science kind of student?

If she has any liking for technology and costs not a barrier I would recommend to go with either RIT or Syracuse not considering the distance. Both the schools will give solid footing and who knows she may even have a change of mind regarding medicine in couple of years. Have known kids in local state schools ending up in places like AMZN, META and GOOG both for internships and for their first jobs right after graduating. Especially considering how many tech giants are encouraging womenā€™s participation in their organizations.

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If medicine is your goal, choose between Case and UAB.
Case will probably cost you about $175K-$225K more than UAB. Is it worth it to go to Case by spending that much more? Unless Case is your dream-dream school, it may not offer you any additional advantages for the extra money you will be spending.

If you are not very sure, choose between Case and Rice.
I love Rice over Case, but Case offers the BS/MD option in this comparison. So, it tilts in favor of Case.

So, from an options perspective, Case offers more optionality. Is that option worth about $200K over UAB?

Avoid Duke - grade deflated, culture is very competitive, the university encourages multiple gap years, and the support system is mixed.


From an undergrad experience perspective, Syracuse and RIT will offer a better experience than Jefferson or St. Bonaventure.
Yes, it may be worth going a little further i.e. an extra 2 to 4 hours.

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