Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

One additional benefit for georgetown is they offer Early Assurance Program for Medical school.


Students accepted in the Georgetown EAP are not required to take the MCAT exam, as long as they meet the matriculation reqs.
Did you talk to Georgetown EAP and UPitt Hons students?

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Georgetown will certainly be expensive (100 K more). she has few external scholarships.

Spoke to both Upitt and Georgtown students. Both are good but Georgetown we felt was better than Upitt.

I realize you said cost isn’t a factor between Georgetown EAP and UPitt Hons.
According to AAMC data, when compared with Georgetown - UPitt has nearly 2.5X applicants who applied to U.S. MD-Granting Medical Schools, 2021-2022.
Not sure if that’s a good sign showing the strength of UG college promoting Premed. Seniors - please comment.

Higher number in Upitt is expected, due to public school and it is a good school. Georgetown has smaller class sizes.

Did you compare the matriculation conditions?
I recall @grtd2010 's D matriculated to Temple Medical School in the BSMD path. Hoping @grtd2010 will shed some light on Hofstra Vs Temple’s BSMD choices.

She got 4+4. So trying to pick good UG to keep her competition spirit through out the process. So in future it will help her in keep her challenged . She has lot of AP credits so we are thinking RIT may help with co-op’s for extra time left or if it is Syracuse if she does good in UG she may apply for their EAP. Keeping all the options open by keeping LECOM in our hand :blush:


Hello! Could someone compare and contrast Hofstra 4+4, RPI/AMC, and Brooklyn College BA/MD - UG: UCLA, UCB? Not based on cost, could someone give advice? Thank you!!

I believe both UCB and UCLA are known for brutal competition and possible grade deflation? Have you visited the campuses and/or talked to folks in the 3 BS/MD programs?


Cost always matters because it is 8 years.

Why bother going to UCLA or UCB if the goal is medicine and you have 3 admissions? They are going to be very hard to get a good GPA to apply and dont offer any advantages outside of nice weather for 4 years for someone from NY. It becomes hard to get the same admissions coming out of UCLA or UCB for medicine because these schools are filled with the top Cal students who are all also trying to get into medical schools.

If you want to study economics, UCB is one of the best schools in the country to get into investment banking if unsure about medicine.

Brooklyn college offers the most economic option for 8 years of college for an NY resident. I assume RPI/AMC and Hofstra are comparable for costs per year and Hofstra might be better for ranking.

Hi, I think I am mainly between RPI/AMC and Hofstra. I have heard that AMC is unranked? Would this be trouble? I know that past T20, rank does not matter much in residency matches. Also RPI/AMC is 7 years and I have a program called “physician - scientist” with heavy research opps.

Hofstra is a great campus and location but I see MCAT (510+) on first sitting - based on this what is your advice??

Also I am OOS from AZ

Any mega variance in the scholarships offered for UG by these schools?

I noticed Brooklyn also requires 509 although I dont think they specified first sitting.

I am actually more concerned about B or above in all science classes. It is very easy to get a B- in some class that is graded on a curve but these are the requirements and one has to meet them. Only way to to know if it is hard by checking on drop out rates.

I wouldn’t put much stock into AMC ranking. The school has been around a long time and there are lots of doctors who graduated from there who probably treated 100s of thousands of patients.

Just noticed you are from Arizona. So all of these schools must be same for you costwise. I still think UCB/UCLA are not great options for premed unless you can get into Arizona state schools based on residency without stellar performance at these schools.


They offered around 30k merit scholarship
Jefferson getting 35k
Syracuse around 50k
RIT 44k
St. Bonaventure 23k

I agree with @texaspg , UCB is known for grade deflation, especially for premeds. UCLA is also on the curve thing. If want prestige in UG either would work. If you want to be a physician for sure, you need to choose between 2 options 7 yr vs 8 yr. AMC match list looks great. If you aren’t looking for a competitive specialty, then there are good chances that you can match to your home area or nearby if that’s your preference. As @texaspg suggested, IMO you better visit all 3 campuses and find out which one works for you from a location perspective. Good luck.

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I will do Georgetown over UPitt as long as cost is not an issue. There are just so much opportunity around the DC metroplex
