Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Woah I was just accepted into the USciences/RowanSOM program this morning, I wasn’t expecting to get in since I hadn’t heard back from them.



Most students enroll in their state medical schools due to instate preferences and Nevada seems to be high on instate preference.

I dont know if NJMS is better or worse than UN med schools ( UN schools are much smaller). It is not a given that going to Rice ensures students of getting into med school since it requires high GPA and I do know students who had to do post bac to improve GPA to get into Texas med schools. UN schools may have a lower GPA threshold compared to Texas.

Same here… need to choose between Duke and UMKC 6 yrs BAMD!

Are u out of state for UMKC?

Could you pls dm me about NYIT ?


Unless you do poorly at Duke, I cannot imagine you’re having trouble getting into med school. So, why give up a potentially transformative/life-changing experience (especially if there is a possibility that you decide against medicine) for UMKC???

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Is there a group chat or Facebook page etc for Case’s PPSP students?


My simple advice to you is that a bird in hand is better than a thousand bird in the forest. So I’ll suggest u go with UMKC if u are certain about wanting to be a doctor. It saves you time and money if u are in-state.


And there’s no MCAT to worry about. The truth be told, the students who are going to be in your class at UMKC will have similar (and some even better) academic profile as you. So they didn’t choose UMKC BSMD because they couldn’t get into Harvard or Duke.


They did because they are certain about medicine as a career path and want to get there quicker so they can focus on other important areas of life

Because if your read threads like this you hear lot of failure stories and bird in hand advocacy.

Not everyone who gets into BSMD also get into T20 UGs, requirements are different.

Both will be attending Rice this fall. Competition at this level is not a breeze.

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I would choose Duke. Incase you want to change path, Duke opens up many doors. For medicine though, it will take much longer as most students take two years at Duke. But it will be worth it.

I would choose UMKC if you are sure about medicine unless you are okay dealing with stress of re-applying to medical schools, taking MCAT, and potentially adding two extra years (on top of the 7-8 already) due to gap years at Duke.


I agree with you. Not all who got into BSMD also get into T20 schools just like there are thousands of students who got into T20 schools who did not get into any BSMD after the interview. My simple advice here is to help a young person make a decision and mitigate their risks. I have students who ditched Ivy Leagues to join a BSMD and have no regrets whatsoever just like I know some who went the Ivy way and struggled with 2-3 gap years before making it into med school. So it’s not a one way traffic, I’m just trying to help manage risks


I am not a fan of either college.

Duke is a grade deflated school with over 75% taking 1-2 gap years.
The culture is competitive and less collaborative. I heard it is common to find many gunslingers there. College support is mixed.

UMKC is a 6-year program with again limited support from the college. Doing 4 years of college in 2 with all summers in college can result in burn-out.

Are there other options?