Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022


Congrats on your achievement to LECOM. Glad you found it to your fit.

Just want to share this if you are not aware … if you know already ignore it… :slight_smile:

If you got into the UG at VCU or PSU or few others, then you do have an option to go EA (same path in VCU so you won’t miss anything).

Good luck again


@Vicky2019 @Rali_Jan

Hi! Thank you for your wishes and support!

To answer the question from @Vicky2019, I chose the BS/DO path because although the UGs I got into are really good, there’s no guarantee that I get into any medical school from there because the competition is so high, campus is huge, and research opportunities only come as upperclassmen (at least at uva from what they said on days on the lawn). I was pretty borderline until the last minute, ultimately chose to give it up as I wanted a chance to breathe during undergrad to prepare for med school. I’ll still do research, service, and shadowing in undergrad and keep up my gpa and ecs and work hard through my journey to and at lecom!


Just got off of Hofstra BS/MD waitlist… very happy but also quite conflicted as to which program to choose. Can someone please compare between Syracuse BS/MD and Hofstra/Zucker BS/MD? Would greatly appreciate any and all input. @NoviceDad @mygrad2021 seem to have a lot of experience with this one.

Received 57K/yr scholarship w/study abroad stipend + Honors College from Syracuse. Estimated COA is ~442K.
Received 33K/yr scholarship + Honors College from Hofstra. Estimated COA is ~477K.
Both programs are 8yrs, am OOS for both as well (live in NJ).
While I do have preferences which cause me to like certain parts of both programs, an objective/outside view would be very helpful. Thanks!

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I don’t have any issue with your posts. Everyone knows who I disagree with :slight_smile: Yes, it’s individual fit and I have advocated that for last 5 years consistently (and recommended BSMD to few). It’s easy to fall for failure stories and can’t call them stupid. My participation is to mainly help those who are on the fence about BSMD but not those who invested all their energy on BSMD and applied to every program including CNU.

Every year few parents and kids DM me because they are scared of advocates here.

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I would think the 2 schools should cost about the same and so with 25k difference per year in undergrad, why is the difference only 35k and not 100k?

For 35k, I would recommend Hofstra (4.5k per year).

Yes this thread is about BS/MD and people who want alternative discussions can go somewhere else. Infact some did by starting their own threads, but guess no one showed interests in those threads it seems. For the past 3 years or so the signal to noise ratio on these threads went up so high and people started attacking those who presented alternative view points, that
for my part to keep down the heat, decided to skip reading the posts of few individuals and focus only on the topic of the thread - BS/MD proceedings. That’s why some of you may have noticed me never responding to some posts no matter how provocative and pointed they may have been (I guess, since never read)

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Is Syracuse/Upstate COA includes possible NY in-state fees for M2-M4 year? If not you may want to check out below NY state residency reqs. IMO, you need to look at matriculation reqs and make a choice. Did you visit both the places and liked one Vs other?

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Really? Yes, this is BSMD thread but every year there are few ask opinions about BSMD vs traditional path and I always gave my recommendations based on individual situations unlike the consultants and zealots!. Go back and read responses over last few years and you responded to lot of so called noise posts with ridiculous statements . I created the threads so that same discussions won’t occur every year and people can refer to those threads. I am not here to promote myself or my kid or one particular school! I also created a thread to share the real experiences of students who went thru BSMD or traditional path but not fake statements like BU students getting 100th percentile in MCAT with no prep!. I also never use words like “fancy” schools to those who opted to go to Ivies.

Again, there is no need to make this personal. I never intended my posts to be personal attacks but responses from you are always personal.

My pick would be Syracuse - UG is better ranked and since you will be spending the first few years in the UG college, it’s worth considering. you will be able to get medical ECs easily - they have good pre-health/med advising. The cost overall is also a little less compared to Hofstra. With extra funds for study abroad, you would thrive in Syracuse IMO.

Hofstra medical school is slightly better for research. Both SUNY upstate and Hofstra/Northwell seem the same for primary care. But, you need to go through the Hofstra UG before you can attend SOM.

Other factors-
The cost difference is not much between the two options. Location-wise both NYC and Syracuse, NY are not so far from your home state of NJ. However, one thing to think about, do you like living in huge NYC or a smaller Syracuse, NY?


DM me we are also from NJ and my C will be going to Hofstra 4+4 program . I can provide u all details on this program.

@liveyourlife78 , I am sure Syracuse is going to give you better UG experience. I am little concerned about the location as it’s not too close to NY for a student to commute for the opportunities. I think it’s close to Buffalo and not sure about the opportunities in that area. Other than the location as @Vicky2019 mentioned, it’s going to be a better undergrad experience if you’re looking for large school as the UG enrollment at Syracuse is double that of Hofstra. Syracuse started BS/MD program only last year so you may have to check with the students there.

From my experience, Hofstra is definitely a small school but have plenty of opportunities in Long Island as it’s surrounded by Northwell Hospitals. It’s too close to city for fun.

Hofstra - I heard from seniors, not to look at the price tag on the medical school as they include lot of other expenses which most students do not require. Consider only the tuition fee and housing cost (most students stay outside campus sharing with their peers).

I don’t have much knowledge about Upstate medical school to compare with Zucker medical.


@liveyourlife78 - Syracuse, NY (approx. 4 hrs drive from NJ) contains both Syracuse University and Upstate SUNY medical college and these are less than a mile away from each other.

There will be plenty of medical opportunities in Syracuse itself. IMO, there won’t be any need to go to Buffalo (almost 2.5 hrs away).


Sorry - I am in a non-US time zone for the next few days, hence the delay in responding.

You have already received perspective from a few seniors. These should help you with some data points for your decision. What I share may or may not have been shared already. Again, the idea is to provide as many data points for you to evaluate for your decision.

Re: Undergrad:

Syracuse will provide a big university with a diverse student body experience. Academically, you will find more challenges, rigor, and options at Syracuse.
Winters in Syracuse will be relatively colder than in NJ (a lot more if you are in south NJ) and could feel gloomy. Also, there is not much to do outside of the college environment.

On the other hand, Hofstra has a smaller cohort of students, and BS/MD students are known to be very supportive of each other. Outside of that, it offers opportunities for self-driven students. The environment in the undergrad school is more relaxed, and the college has a reputation for being a party school. It is also on Long Island and a short ride to Manhattan.

So, if you can handle the Syracuse winters (both cold and gloominess), Syracuse may offer a better undergrad experience.

Re: medical schools:
Both Upstate and Hofstra are solid medical schools. Upstate is an established school with years of churning out good doctors. They have been investing in new research facilities (some facilities look old) and offering good rotations within the university hospital and satellite facilities.

Hofstra has the advantage of being a newer and smaller school with the backing of the 23-hospital Northwell system. About 1 in 3 Hofstra graduates match into the Northwell system, including in competitive specialties. Hofstra definitely has the locational advantage of being on Long Island.

Re: Program:
Syracuse/Upstate has the advantage of having no MCAT and a GPA requirement of 3.5+. If you are up for doing a BS in Biology, you can choose a 3+4 option—something to think about.
On the other hand, Hofstra requires an MCAT of 80 percentile in one sitting. Its GPA requirement is 3.6+ (though easily achievable for BS/MD caliber students).

Subjective feel:
Where do you feel at home?
Which program do you have the most concerns about?

I hope this helps.


Thank you @basketballfan123 for sharing your stats and perspectives.
Congratulations on LECOM.
It is good you felt good about LECOM post their visit.
Wish you the very best.

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Apart from all the valuable suggestions, few more you may want to consider (provided I am not repeating others)

Does either of the programs allow you to finish your undergrad early (like Penn State for example) and spend the year saved in research or pursuing another degree at study abroad or perhaps even go out and work for a year before enrolling in medical school?

I believe Hofstra is private, but at Upstate will you qualify for in state fee for medical school (like for example NJMS does for all BS/MD students, I believe)?

Have you had a chance to visit both the campuses? How much time you have to make up your mind? Can you ask for an extension?

is ppsp interview after undergrad a formality?

@nonoyes - Your question was discussed previously. I am adding you to the reply to this post since it addresses your question.

For next year’s applicants and parents, link to the new thread for 2022-2023, courtesy @texaspg


Congrats to your D. All the best with Cincinnati Connections BS/MD.


@happyFlamingo - Congratulations to your D and the proud parents on admission to Cincinnati Connections BS/MD. I am very happy about your D’s success story. :clap: :clap: Wish her the very best for future!