Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Yes I had two interviews actually, one with the pre-health office & then one with the medical school

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Don’t CEOs and CFOs get W-2s?

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Those who accepted the college admission offer (whatever BSMD or T10/T20 or state schools or some other) - congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your next adventure. So pleased to see you accomplishing great things!

Those who didn’t post their stats, acceptances, and experience yet in the results thread yet, please do so. It will help future applicants.
Do not forget to return to next year’s admission cycle thread and post back your experiences and or suggestions for the people applying for the next admission cycle (Fall 2023).

“The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well; and doing well whatever you do
” —Henry Wadsworth


Would any other BS MD Program of your choice if selected would have changed your decision.

Are you instate and local resident living near Duke ?


I would have committed to Brown PLME however was rejected from PLME and waitlisted at Brown.

I’m from New Jersey.

 cool down
 no need to beat each other on who is right or wrong.
There are multiple ways to achieve the goal (BSMD and traditional happens to be 2 of them)

Let’s keep it on subject than getting personal.

Just my 2c (inflation adjusted) :slight_smile:


Well said
 this profession is certainly NOT $$$ making (it may sound like it).
FYI, I know many dotcom millionaires than doctor millionaires :slight_smile: LOL

Upon my D acceptance, one of our doctor friend said to her.

“Congrats on your achievement and remember medical profession is NOT a job it’s a calling”
 you need to have the passion (burning) and be ready to sacrifice (many personal events)for others so be ready for it.

I told her to paste it on her computer


No one said you did not provide examples.

So, let’s agree to disagree on the broader concept of risks, and risk tolerance, and move on.

We all can add value to this group by sharing our diverse perspectives.


difference is, I provided examples for all types of outcomes and explanations for those outcomes. I haven’t seen a single success story from some of the seniors here, only traditional path failures especially so and so went to an Ivy and failed but without an explanation which is nothing but fearmongering!

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I don’t attack personally but I don’t hesitate to hit back when people twist data or resort to phrases like “fancy schools”, “you are not going for picnic” when talking about location. There is no need for militant advocacy for BSMD. I never said don’t take that route and recommended it for some. I only come back periodically to respond to those folks :slight_smile:

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Please note: We would want to be closing this thread on positive notes for students and parents of 2021-2022 about where they ended up and not have discussions between people who dont officially have any horses in this years race. Most students have officially closed the admission cycles and no longer need any advice.

Any advice, pro or con for BS/MD vs traditional route and what are best options when faced with tippy top admissions vs a sure BSMD can be imparted to the next batch and that thread is already open. So please hold onto all discussions since this is an unending topic and you can continue in a few weeks.


Yes they do for the job that was done 99% of the time by employees. I am a CEO with a thousand other leverage legally beyond the reach of a W-2 and I won’t give that up for anything.

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I am very much thankful for this forum. It has been an exhausting yet fulfilling journey for us along with our child and exploring the american college system for the first time coming from a totally different educational system in India, we were always nervous about the things not known to us and did not want to be at disadvantage due to that limitation. This forum and the results forum provided an excellent markers on how to prepare the process, imparted calm guidance, their own unique views with reasonings. Thank you!


Requesting all applicants and parents - who had not yet done so - to share their stats and perspectives on the RESULTS Thread

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Suggest share that link for the next year’s batch here as well.

What was the final decision?

I disagree on this, this thread is dominated by multiple BSMD consultants who constantly advocate for BSMD and come up with only failure stories to instill fear in the applicants.

@basketballfan123 - Thank you for sharing your stats and perspective. Congratulations on your acceptance to LECOM. Wish you the very best for your future. I hope you get into the UMKC bs/md program off of the waitlist.

A question - You have great stats and impressive ECs, especially the medical ECs. With acceptance from UG’s like UVA, why didn’t you want to take the regular UG route and try for regular route MD/DO instead? WIth your strong EC’s you could have applied to Early assurance programs.



Respectfully I don’t have problem in someone challenging but IMO some of the messages between few folks became more “personal”

Again I am “big enough” to take or give back
 but if someone reads these threads say 2 years from now on guiding their kids
 it’'ll not sound good

That’s why (for example) there are dresses in many colors, styles etc., To me something may be shi**y but to someone else it may be gorgeous
 :slight_smile: LOL

So my point was let’s not get too heated

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Agree to an extent
 it’s because this thread is about BSMD :slight_smile: LOL so obviously many folks want to advocate about BSMD

Also the allure of the BSMD (i.e. 1 in less than 200 or say < 2% chance) is what drives folks to this thread(program). This apart from folks who are hell bent on their decision to do medicine.

Finally, if someone is (pardon my language) stupid to fall for the failure stories and blindly take a college then its their fault for not doing research (and not that off the consultants IMO).

TBH, (thru my DM), i know folks who went to JHU , Vanderbilt who got BSMD and others who went to SLU and few other BSMDs though they got other IVYs too
 so again it’s individual fits.

So again, I am not against you (or others) putting Pro vs cons on anything
 but let’s not heat it up