Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Yes we were able to make the payment

If you have not heard from RPI/Albany for a supplement, does that mean you were likely rejected?

Thanks. where was the option to make payment if you don’t mind?

You can find payment section at the bottom of supplemental essay page

For AMC supplement. Under 3 most valuable experiences. If one is working in an office what goes under experience name. I think ur supoposed to put name of office in organization name, but what should you put under experince name then? Do you put ur position or something else?

You can put volunteer and office name address.

I received the email requesting that I take the CASPER test November 30th last year

Have most PMM interview invites gone out? They didn’t receive all my application materials until Friday, November 5th. Should I have gotten an interview by now if I was still being considered?

is anyone still having issues submitting the AMC supplemental app?

What exactly did you do at an office?
Was it paid internship or volunteer work?

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PMM interview invites will go out till Dec 17.
Till that time, assume they are still considering you.

I am still not able to access AMC supplemental. Do any of you have issues with that?

Me too - I tried emailing and calling them but they did not respond

Did you guys receive RPI/Albany supplement through email?

Also, anyone know BSMD programs other than Hofstra that require CASPER test?

May I ask if you got this information from PMM committee at Penn state or Jefferson? Because I thought usually they sent out invitations on the same day? I know this time some people got invitations as early as Nov 6!!

From Admissions officers at PennState.
They are the only official entity to send out interview invites.

Thanks! I was under the impression that Penn state short lists potential candidates to Jefferson and than Jefferson sends out interviews.

Thanks @jawacat

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It was always Penn State that sent out interview invites.

However, the process appears to have changed last year when they started sending out invites over multiple weeks.

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I know RPI and Union have started sending our invites, but has anyone heard anything about Siena?