Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

same. rejected PMM, accepted Penn State undergrad.

Same here. Rejected PMM, accepted Penn State undergrad.

Please provide your stats

  • 35 ACT
  • 3.98 UW GPA
  • Valedictorian (#1/790)
  • Caucasian
  • 12 AP Classes, scores: all 5s, two 4s
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Can you please provide your stats?


Rice/Baylor has extended the submission date to Sunday, Dec 5.

Thanks @dudeperfect
Glad we could help.
Best to DM such messages.

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All folks who got PMM rejections:

Hang in there.

The process is highly subjective and none of this is a reflection of who you are.
You are the same smart, talented, capable individual that your family and friends are proud of.


36 ACT
3.98 UW GPA

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Maybe they are looking for high EC activities

IMO, Stats are a minimum bar. The bottom line is there are too many students with perfect test scores, near-perfect GPA, and high ECs applying to BSMD programs.

BSMD programs are looking for the fit. Each program looks for a certain type of student. Also, BSMD programs want those students who are most likely to join their program! A little bit of demonstrated interest goes a long way.


Donā€™t worry - you hang on tight - the admission cycle has just started. With those stats, you have better opportunities ahead of you. Meanwhile, make the best of opportunities that you do get!

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Where did you interview?

My friendā€™s son interviewed at NJIT.

Thanks @dudeperfect

Does having siblings in the program or from the program help?

@Somcpharm In the traditional route some Elite Colleges and others do give a small boost in the application process for legacy. IMO, parent legacy might give an edge if the application is a bit weaker than the avg admits, but I suspect sibling legacy would give a similar advantage.
For competitive BSMD programs with single-digit or a few 10s of seats with worse than Ivy acceptance rates, I wonder if legacy (parent or siblings) matters at all.
A quick way to determine if a school values legacy (through parents or siblings) is to check if it asks about your legacy status on its application. Check if there is a related question is listed on the Common Application.

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From my past experience, I would say the impact of legacy for BS/MD is close to zero.

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And talking about CASPER, please make sure you take the correct one. My daughter couldnā€™t compete a few years back cos we mistakingly chose the wrong CASPER

@cheer2021 @Somcpharm I think that having a sibling in a program helps insofar as you can be prepared for some of the interview questions and that you can also be prepared on how to go about answering the essays, ECs, etc. I think that having a parent who is involved such as you would help tremendously as well, and is a big privilege to your S or D when they are applying to such programs (for reference, Iā€™m in a BS/MD right now as an MS3 and like making videos to help those get to where I am, and I just stumbled upon this resource so I wanted to help out those who are ā€œone stepā€ behind me). Any questions Iā€™d be happy to answer as medical school rotations allow.