Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Check emails, they sent email asking for processing fee of 100$. But you still have to go through their drexel portal to make a payment

Did you get the email on the same day the application was forwarded to the Drexel medical school? She did not get an email about fee. She got an email that her application is
Forwarded and she will be notified on Jan 31st if she is selected for an interview.

I told her to email and ask.

I dont know when exactly bs/md status got updated, but we got an email asking for payment. Did you apply for any fee waiver? May be you should call them to make sure a payment was not required. payment is due on 1/15 so you have time if you have missed it

Can you please tell me what is your application status says?

BA/BS+MD Early Assurance Program Status

Your application for the BA/BS+MD Early Assurance program has been forwarded to the Drexel University College of Medicine for review. You will be notified by January 31 if you have been selected for an interview.

She has exactly the same status. Thank you so much for being patient with me. Very new to all this.

According to the website, she is in the status where she needs to pay. I don’t remember applying for fee waiver. We are PA resident, not sure if that is the reason but Drexel is a private college and I don’t think PA resident matters though. Anyways

  • College of Medicine Supplemental Application Fee, $100
    If your application is forwarded to the College of Medicine Admissions Office, you may be required to submit an additional processing and activation fee of $100 by January 15. If your completed application is forwarded to the College of Medicine, you will be notified via email — notifications are usually sent in late December. Please do not send the processing fee with application materials to Undergraduate Admissions.

If it is Drexel, the $100 payment is due within 3 days (if I remember correctly) of receiving the email indicating the application has been forwarded to medical school.

 my daughter got the email that the application is forwarded and the portal is updated with that info too. But nothing about the fee email or do not see a link for that in the portal too.

Did any one get accepted to temple undergrad and honors program ?

Is there a difference between having a medical school interview earlier or later if they do rolling admissions? Is it better to schedule earlier or is it ok to have it later.

Undergrad is accepted for my daughter. They started reviewing the honors in December

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Does anyone know if NJIT or TCNJ will send out anymore interview invites because I have not gotten anything (not even a rejection) yet?

Check your spam folder

i did!

You got the acceptance to Honors also?

We are also waiting. Haven’t heard anything since the first round went out last week. We emailed TCNJ and was told that they have many more applications this year and we will be notified by mid January

yes! i got honors and merit scholarship information yesterday


We just got the email - Honors and Full tuition waiver


My daughter got the same too. Honors and Presidential scholarship


Has anyone heard back from REMS?