Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

From UMKC website…”The incoming class will be 105 – 110 students, with 60-65 students admitted from the state of Missouri, 30-35 students admitted from the regional states (Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska or Oklahoma) and 10-15 students admitted from out-of-state.”

Quick Question.

  1. Does BSMD programs offer need based aid for UG (Bachelors Degree)?
  2. Due to covid no hospital is conducting volunteer program for high school kids. Is Shadowing/hospital volunteer mandatory/required for BSMD program applications?

haha, good luck to your family as well

not really. Keep in mind everyone is going thru the same thing

What BS/MD programs are test optional this cycle? I am taking my SAT in August but wanted to keep my options open in case it does not go well.

Interesting breakdown and I wonder if it is their goal to admit 90+ students from those 5 states or if they meet these expectations consistently? I see a lot of doctors in residencies and they seem to be originally from all over the country.

I was told by one of UMKC BSMD student’s parent, UMKC 6 yr BSMD program has been running for ages, and some of the Doctors who graduated from UMKC BSMD, their grandchildren are now in the same program. I think UMKC sees a greater level of commitment from students from neighboring States Vs remote States. This is just speculation. UMKC experts can comment.
Agree on the Residency part, doctors in residency come over from all parts of the country. I think UMKC has no in-state/neighboring States/Out-of-State preference on the Residency part, correct?

I meant I am looking at residency lists at different programs and I notice people claiming to be from anywhere in the country (they list hometowns) but have attended UMKC.

off 2021 match-list for UMKC, here they went: (note that 30 people off 107 matched to UMKC itself):
| AZ|4|
| CA|4|
| FL|9|
| GA|1|
| IA|2|
| IL|6|
| IN|4|
| KS|6|
| LA|4|
| MI|2|
| MN|4|
| MO|30|
| NC|3|
| ND|1|
| NE|1|
| NV|1|
| NY|5|
| OH|4|
| OR|1|
| PA|1|
| TN|2|
| TX|11|
| WA|1|

off 2020 match-list for UMKC, here they went: (note that 31 people off 111 matched to UMKC itself):
| AL|2|
| AR|2|
| AZ|2|
| CA|4|
| DC|2|
| FL|10|
| GA|1|
| HI|2|
| IA|1|
| IL|12|
| IN|1|
| KS|3|
| KY|5|
| LA|1|
| MA|2|
| MI|2|
| MN|2|
| MO|31|
| NC|1|
| NE|2|
| NY|2|
| OH|4|
| PA|3|
| RI|1|
| TN|3|
| TX|8|
| VA|2|
UMKC Match Day List:

Hello! I am a rising senior applying to colleges, and I am interested in applying to BSMD programs. I am the first person to apply to college in my family, and the process is a little confusing, so I was hoping for some advice here! I saw in some other threads that BSMD programs do not accept super scores for ACT, and I was wondering if this was true?

Practically all BS/MD programs want ACT or SAT scores from 1 sitting.

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Oh ok. Do you know of any programs that do accept super score? I took my ACT last week, but I am not sure how well I did so I was hoping to superscore.

@cheer2021 thanks for these lists. Does the school publish admission numbers from each state to compare to the targets for admission, i.e., is there a list that shows in 2015, 60 students originated from missouri since only 30 are staying back in the state.

Baylor said “If you plan to submit test scores with your Baylor application, please note that we superscore the SAT and ACT, meaning we will combine your highest section scores from all test dates and review your best total score”
Hofstra said “If you do choose to submit SAT or ACT scores, we will superscore ALL scores submitted.”
You need to check all BSMD programs websites you are planning to apply to understand their policies on superscoring for Fall 2022. Good luck.
Admission: Standardized Testing Policy | Hofstra University.

Hii, I’m also a rising high school senior who is aiming to apply to BS/MD programs and also just regular pre-med undergrad schools, but am looking for suggestions as to which could be potential choices. I was advised to post on this thread, so I’m just going to reply and hope some people could give me recommendations with “chance me” and “match me” intentions.

US domestic: US citizen
State/ Location of residency: New Jersey
Type of high school: tuition-free public school (but need to apply in order to get accepted/ so basically like a mini-college process to be more specific)
Gender/Race/Ethnicity: Female, Asian (Korean)

INTENDED MAJOR(S): Mainly chemistry, biology (got easily bored of this subject because it was first given online, but wish to delve deeper into the topic if possible), psychology, and mathematics.


  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0/4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA*: Our school does not have a weighting system.
  • Class Rank*: Our school does not do class rankings, but am going to assume I am in the top 1% solely based on GPA.
  • ACT/SAT Scores*: SAT 1560 (760 RW, 800 M) / MATH IIC: 780 (this was before Subject Tests got cancelled last year year)
    OTHERS: Applied for NMS, but results are not released yet until September 2021.

9th grade: did not take any APs during this year
10th grade: AP Calculus AB (5), AP Physics 2 (3)
11th grade: AP Calculus BC (not known yet), AP Lang (not known yet)
12th grade: planning to take AP Chemistry, AP Lit, AP Stats, and Calculus III (school scheduling would not let me take Anatomy and Physiology class, and AP Psychology was cancelled).
Foreign Language: took spanish for three years straight (9th, 10th, 11th), but for 11th grade, I took a course called SUPA Spanish where college credits may or may not be given depending on the college.


  • Received Rebecca Serkey Follow Your Dreams Book Scholarship (a scholarship received at my EMT course)
  • Received third place in New Jersey State Championship for swimming.
  • National Honor Society (but this is a quite common award in my school, so wouldn’t make a big difference)


  • Nationally certified EMT
  • Shadowing a physician
  • Working as a member of the volunteer ambulance corps in my town
  • Participating in research with students and professors in NJIT
  • Participated in HOSA competitions
  • Member of ACS Chemistry Club
  • Volunteering to tutor students in chemistry
  • Volunteered to help hold annual community swimming competitions
  • Leader of KIDT (an annual event focused on Korean dance and culture)
  • Competitive swimming for 10 years
  • Attended Junior Olympics, Zones, and Sectionals swimming competitions as well.


  • For my essay, I’m focusing on the impact that I’ve felt while working with others to complete my EMT course, especially during the time of the pandemic for I enrolled in this school while covid was still peaking (Sept 2020-Feb 2021). I understand that the topic of the global lockdown would be a common theme amongst many applicants nowadays, but, I am mainly focusing on the effect that the communication and collaboration amongst my classmates have had on me, and how it reassured my determination to help people knowing that there are others who were and will be there to help me.
  • LORs: I asked my 10th grade chemistry teacher (who is also the supervisor for the chemistry club that I am currently in) for a recommendation since I am interested in the major going forward to college, but also because I feel that I was able to interact with her the most compared to the new teachers that I had during online school in my junior year. This reasoning also applies to my second letter of recommendation which I asked from my 10th grade AP Calc AB teacher, who I felt knew me well the most and (I’m hoping this is the case) who had a particular liking to me in sophomore year. In addition, I asked for a third letter of recommendation from my spanish teacher because (this one I am pretty sure on aha) of the particular liking and credit she held to my diligence and determination as a student in her class. I’m not entirely sure if I would send this teacher’s rec, but I asked just in case if it helps for my favor and image.


  • After receiving financial aid if possible, preferably within $20,000-$30,000 per year tuition.
  • ^ Regarding this factor, I asked my parents knowing that cost restraints is an important factor, but they insisted that I focus on the quality and education of the school regardless of its price first, and reasoned that they will deal with the costs later. So, when giving suggestions, I would appreciate it if you could also put in colleges without the price in mind if possible.

Location Preference: Preferably within 10 hour drive distance from NJ (just as long as it does not require long plane rides). Would also be better to resemble a very suburban or city-like environment.
School Size: Prefer small to medium population size (but don’t entirely mind large ones either)
Specifics: Would like if the colleges value teacher and student relations as well as provide many opportunities to explore different majors (flexible in scheduling) and to study abroad.
Scholarships: As mentioned previously, I did apply for NMS and am awaiting for their response in the fall. However, regardless, I will continue applying for scholarships during the year.

  • as a disclaimer, regarding the schools I am listing below, these are simply just a few choices I’ve had in mind but they are by no means definite
    BS/MD Programs:
  • Rutgers University-Newark
  • Case Western Reserve University (PPSP)
  • University of Rochester (REMS)
  • John Hopkins (I know it’s not a program, but referring to it’s pre-health track)
  • TCNJ
  • NYIT
  • Hofstra

** NOTE **
I know that the only colleges I’ve included in the very last portion of this post are BS/MD programs, which is why I’m asking for suggestions on this forum (it is my first time using it). By looking at my history so far, I would appreciate if people could give their recommendations on any other BS/MD programs I would have a potential in, the chances of admission into any of the programs I’ve already listed, and, most importantly, any suggestions on colleges for regular undergrad admissions that provide quality education in the majors I’m interested in or that I have potential in excelling in (whether they are ivies or common state schools). I am open to any and all recommendations, and would much appreciate honest feedback :slight_smile: Thank youu!

There is no way anyone can chance or match you for bsmd since these are very competitive. Your stats seem on par with students who apply to bsmd. You should apply to 10-12 bsmd programs and a few UGs (pre-med). There are a lot of BSMD programs near New Jersey/northeast. However, this region has a lot of competitive students.

Some colleges are - UConn SPIM, Stony Brook, Upstate feeders (Syracuse, Albany, Adelphi etc.), VCU, GWU/GWU, Penn State PMM, AMC feeders (Siena, Union or RPI), Other Rutgers feeders (NJIT, Stevens etc.), Drexel etc

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Thank you, I will check with each of the colleges!

Do you go to one of the county level academies (Science/technology, Health, Biotechnology, etc) in NJ ? Do not think so. You are competitive but NJ has a large number of competitive ORMs seeking a BS/MD admission. Add Rutgers-New Brunswick to your list.
AP Spanish if offered can get you some college level credits. We know someone who got a 2nd level of college credits based on AP Spanish score of 5. Do not limit yourself to BS/MD. These programs only cover 5% of all US medical school seats. With your limit of 20-30k tuition, good luck in getting such a deal. Most BS/MD are very expensive and hardly give any scholarship that will meet your target.
BTW, Drexel is not a BS/MD but an EAP. IMO, it is better to skip it since your COA may be very high even with whatever scholarship you may get.
IMO, your best bet will be Rutgers-NB, the flagship of the state of NJ to meet your tuition fee target. You may even get full tuition scholarship from Rutgers-NB. IMO, Rutgers-NB may be better than NJIT and TCNJ, for UG.
John Hopkins has known grade deflation, hence not good for UG from GPA point of view. However, some top Hs NJ students choose to attend it.
As far as pre-med goes, any 4 year college/university will prepare you for a career in medicine. It is a student who gets admitted to a medical school, not UG school’s prestige. Do well In UG( get a very high GPA) and get a high MCAT ( >=515).


Right, I understand. Thank you so much for your suggestions! I’ll definitely keep this list in mind and look more into the schools. Much appreciated!


Yeah, I agree with your recommendations. I will keep your advice in consideration when looking at more schools. Thank you so much!

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