Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

does anyone know how many ppl hofstra invites for an interview

Hofstra: About 60 invites

For Drexel do we take casper? Or wait for interview before taking?

i think u wait for interview


I have a feeling that these colleges are randomly evaluating files, not necessarily in order of competition. Or at least schools like TCNJ are doing that. I may be wrong

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Yup, I got rejected from Drew’s BA/MD program.

does anyone know when sophie davis sends out interview invites?

How did u know, was this after interview?

Any tips and insights from anyone who did Drew Interview ??

I didn’t get an interview for Drew.

Has anyone finished their SMED Interview?

If u have Hofsra then u got to take before interview as i believe it’s part of the application.
You can use the same for Drexel :slight_smile:

Congrats! Do we know if they contacted all that they are going to or if others still might get the call? Do you think kids who aren’t being interviewed will be contacted so they know?

what I remember from previous year is that they send out a few. Than wait to see who actually Signs up as some of them might have committed to EA or ED.

This question about interviews gets asked in different shades, every year almost, sometimes multiple times in the same cycle.

Most people seem to be of the opinion that once someone makes it to the interview stage the chances are 1/2 and 1/2 or 1/3 and 2/3, depending on the program i.e. how many they invite for interviews vs what is the total strength of the program. Some people in the past have drawn parallels to knock out stage in various sports suggesting it is the make or break stage. However it may be true for some or even most, but may not be for all. For example if you look at the common data set of BU from recent past (haven’t checked the most recent myself) they mention that Interviews are “considered” along with other factors. So I would imagine they give some ranking for each aspect of the overall profile of the applicant with the weightage from interview contributing some percent(not sure how much). So the weighted average of all these portions may sum up to some number based off which they may make final offers.

The best opportunity is to ask the college admissions counselors of respective BS/MD programs if one could do college tours as in good old days. Whatever the case may be, important thing is not to stress over interviews. Be relaxed and keep it conversational and be honest and take time in thinking over before giving answers (you are not in a jeopardy contest). That maximizes your chances of giving your best shot at this stage.


No, both are with faculty - one with CAS faculty (not necessarily a Prof) and the other with the med school faculty member (not just a Dr)

So, if someone has a great academics, Rec letters, EC etc than those factors will weigh in also Incase the interviewer is tough or something doesn’t go right?

Rejected from TCNJ BS/MD pre-interview.

did they inform you on undergrad decision?