Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

thank you for the info!

Thank You for info

So, If DO students get the higher MCAT then can choose whatever they like… So no restrictions right?

DO students take the MCAT before entering medical school, just like MD students do. The MCAT is not used for residency matches at any point. The USMLE is used for residency matches for MD students, and the COMLEX is used for residency matches for DO students.

“Ultra competitive specialties, such as otolaryngology, orthopedic surgery, and dermatology to name a few, are very competitive for all applicants and even tougher for osteopathic residency applicants. Review the National Residency Matching Program residency match data here.

Nearly 20% of osteopathic medical students pursue careers in family medicine. Why? In part this specialty is well-aligned with osteopathic principles and because matching in to more competitive specialties is very difficult.

The top five specialty tracks for osteopathic medical students last year were:

  1. Internal medicine
  2. Family medicine
  3. Emergency medicine
  4. Pediatrics
  5. Anesthesiology

The percentage of osteopathic students who matched in to five of the most competitive specialties were:

  1. Otolaryngology: 4%
  2. Orthopedic surgery: 2%
  3. Dermatology: 7%
  4. Neurosurgery: 2%
  5. Radiation oncology: 2%

As you can see, a small percentage of osteopathic medical students comprise the most competitive specialties in medicine so an osteopathic degree will limit the specialties you can pursue”

Taken from

I just got an invitation to apply for Tulane’s Pathway To Medicine program!



Thank you for detail info

that’s so exciting!

MCAT is before entering medical school.
Both MD and DO students take it.

Residency matches are dependent on a number of factors including your GPA, your Step 2 scores (since Step 1 is now Pass/Fail), your rotations, your PDs LORs, your interview and more.

Would you know who gets invited to these?

Did anyone receive interview from NJMS? Last year by now some people got interviews

When you get invited to interview, information session is part of it.

Thank you

your GPA → Your MD GPA (not your undergrad GPA) - Correct?

yes, if available.
also, if you are part of Alpha Omega Alpha in your med school.

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There is huge difference … and it will never merge.
Residency matches and people looking/perception towards higher MD than DO.

That’s the hard truth… and also the pay in the end.

I got few students like DO but many don’t want DO (again how one feels is personal)

To quote Elaine Benes character (From Seinfeld), she will tell her date, you are not a real doctor (podiatry) :innocent: :innocent: that’s how many feel

Hi! quick question. For the LECOM EAP Application, what are we supposed to put under GPA? It is asking for an Undergraduate Science and Math GPA. My school only gave me my weighted and unweighted GPA, so not sure what to enter in.

I heard this from an upperclassman (NJMS SMED):

He said that his friends (also NJMS SMEDs) were rejected TCNJ-BSMD but they were forwarded by NJIT and accepted by NJMS. However, upon acceptance, TCNJ offered them acceptance and they switched to TCNJ-NJMS BSMD instead of NJIT-NJMS.

Is this common for accepted students to switch? Is this applicable for other undergraduate universities (so if student A got accepted NJIT-NJMS, could they do RU-NJMS?)

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