***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Bad News ----

BU has scrapped its BS/MD program!
It was announced last Wednesday.

It appears the person who scrapped the Northwestern program joined BU and did it at BU.

More ā€“

It was told to BS/MD students.
I will be personally confirming it with the Admissions Office on Monday.

oh! no - thatā€™s not good

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Not surprisingā€¦

In spite of reputation of being good institution of late their ā€œprocessā€ was lackadaisicalā€¦

One of my student teachers submitted ā€œwritten responseā€ on recs but they claimed they never received even after proof it was mailed and emailedā€¦ (Not sure whether it mattered but the kid didnā€™t receive interview from them maybe bcoz of that or other things). Not professionally done.

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I think it is more of that person probably hating BS/MD programs and canceling them wherever he goes.

Folks can potentially deal with lackadaisical administration.

Oh thatā€™s sad!

Oh no! Thatā€™s so sad. That was one my daughter was going to apply to this 2023-2024 cycle for their SMED bsmd program. We even visited their campus and loved it . Bummer!!! Is there any announcements yet on the web anywhere?

Thanks for confirming with the office tomorrow. Yes, please let us know.

Thatā€™s sad to hear. Their below bsmd link didnā€™t work!

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Youā€™re right! But this link still works:


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Is it cancelled for 2023 applicants?

Some links work while other dont and there is nothing officially announced?

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That will be a tragedy! Especially if an accelerated program decides to close, for students who complete a tonne of AP/IB/DE courses while in high school and feel they donā€™t deserve to spend all four years in undergrad and find these programs compelling.

Checked with child and it seems they heard it too - well past the BS portion of it there so may not be up to date with latest developments - and didnā€™t specify the source of the news. It was a very short response to my text, but seems it is not official as yet. Let us hope it turns out to be just a rumor and not true.


Rali_Jan I was wondering if this kind of lackadaisicalness exists in any other bsmd offices? Besides BU, are there any others that loses paperwork or let them fall through the cracks? Just wondering to see which programs I have to double check on as my daughter starts submitting stuff in the fall.


Confirmed with BU admissions office.
The BS/MD Program has been discontinued.

  • It was an Executive Decision taken by BU.
  • It was announced last week, and this yearā€™s incoming students were told they are the last such batch.
  • Website is being updated to reflect the change.
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Oh, no! Ugh! Thank you so much NoviceDad for calling the office and confirming for us. What a big bummer. My daughter is so sad. I guess they still have the EAP program if you get accepted to the undergrad. But not quite as good as the assurance of the BSMD program. She will most likely apply broadly to other BSMD programs. Thank you again. It is very good to know this ahead of time.

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Do you happen to know who is this person that went from Northwestern to Boston University making these changes? Just wondering which BSMD is next to go.

Iā€™d be very interested to know as well. My thinking is that thereā€™s patients dying because doctors arenā€™t being produced fast enough in the US - and this person is ending programs at some of the best medical schools that have a history of producing excellent physicians. Where are their priorities??

The seats have not gone down, they get released to the general pool for admissions going forward.

Lot of these cancellations have to do with medical schools changing their processes based on trying to improve their rankings, and newer thinking about diversity, equity etc. Lot of the scrapped programs had a high number of Asians and they want to cut back or allow competition when they enter medical school where they can balance their student body much more easily.

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Yes, I can understand the frustration. Especially when you visited the campus, like it there, the city, the ambience and all that. But shutting down one door may open few others. Who knows, they may increase the intake numbers from the EAP route. By the way their Bio med eng major is one of the top notch programs in the country, in case if your daughter is interested in that line and wants to club it together with the EAP option.

But then one can never be sure of EAP route either as you have alluded. The slots are very few and the numbers of applicants with excellent gpa and ecs far too many. As a reference I am reminded of this poster here till last year. S/he was a very strong critic of BS/MD programs in general (probably may be because their child did not get in the first place?) and used to advocate that anyone worth their merit should only go traditional route. Apparently his/her child had a high 3.9x gpa till sophomore year undergrad (just short of 4.0 by a hair line) and was highly hopeful and confident of getting into their EAP program at that school. Turned out that s/he (the child) wasnā€™t even called in for an interview for the program (the parent was blaming on missed EC opportunities due to covid and what not, but shouldnā€™t it affect all others as well likewise?).

Anyway the point is better not count on getting in EAP route no matter how accomplished one may view of self. Consider all factors while selecting a school, with EAP being just one among them.

Although Asians or ORMs could be in high number for BSMD programs, usually their MD part will not start until 4th or 5th year of their program. Knowing how many of those matriculating to M1, canā€™t programs balance their overall M1 intake to maintain the targeted diversity numbers? Just curious.

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