***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***



They invited 80 students per feeder school based on the email they sent to students.

From SKMC’s website:
“We receive a portion of our operating funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and in the past, preference has been given to Pennsylvania residents.”

Despite that, PMM has, in the past, selected 90% of its students from out-of-state.

I was interviewed for this. And no where in the email they said like that.

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The 119 students that you are referring to that, I presume, are based on the AMC info session invite, which inadvertently shared emails of students invited for that info session, was only a partial list.

Some of my students who received AMC interviews were not listed on that list.

Please recheck the email/portal on the note that 80 candidates are being invited for the interview from your specific feeder school.


240 students total seems unrealistic. I don’t think they missed out on sending an email to that many people. Last year AMC interviewed only 64 for the union LIM program.


Do you have any students who were invited via RPI/AMC this year? Is the cycle over for Interviews?

Please private message me to join the group chat. I am unable to PM people because I am new to CC and I believe you have to post 15 times to gain that privilege. @aspiremd03 @Mashed @BMWX5

A few points -

  1. Regarding preference:
    Out of the entire SKMC class, only about 25-30 students come from PMM. So, maybe they don’t care about the preference for such a small percentage of their entire class

  2. Regarding tuition:
    Penn State is a public college but SKMC is a private medical school. As per my understanding, for tuition point of view, shouldn’t SKMC fees should be the same for all students, whether they are in state or out of state?


Usually the President of Premedical/Medical Accelerated Program (PMM) creates a facebook page, usually a 1-2 months later. So, all those selected can join this facebook page.

For example - They have pages called -
Penn State - Jefferson PMM Class of 2023/2027
Penn State - Jefferson PMM Class of 2024/2028
Penn State - Jefferson PMM Class of 2025/2029
So, the next one should be Penn State - Jefferson PMM Class of 2026/2030


How did your interview go? Were you able to learn anything new about the school? Did the interviewer reveal additional information about the program and which students are selected?

Congratulations to everyone for PMM!

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Interviews are still going on.
Early this week, one of my students received an invite.
So, hang in there.

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Re:1 ) That is very likely. PMM students form about 10% of SKMC intake.

Re:2) SKMC has only 1 tuition fee for everyone.

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Even at 64 per feeder, it amounts to 192 students (not 119).
They have mentioned 80 students per feeder.
Check your email/portal.

64 number is better for interviewees (not as good for applicants) since there is a higher chance of admission.


seems like there’s 50 interviewees for my program when I checked on the portal (siena)

I have sent you my contact info. Please add me to the group chat as well

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