***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Congratulations @HALHAL and @Ashish_Gupta1 ! VCU and REMS are fantastic programs!


Do BSMD applicants generally apply ED or ED2? Like in comparison to normal students, is it generally less or more?

And, do those accepted ED1 or 2, withdraw their BAMD application too? Does this then open up spots for other applicants?

Its very rare that students who are applying for BS/BA MD programs also apply ED to undergrad. Infact some programs have a separate application deadlines, etc. for BS/BA MD programs.

For Wayne state, Brown - their program is ED only. so, students are mandated to apply ED to BA/MD. For Brown, even if you don’t get admitted to BAMD, students commit to UG. For Wayne state, students were allowed to apply ED only to BA/MD in the past. Not sure if this changed or not
You can check in their website

For Brown, applying ED to their BAMD program is high risk . EDing does not give people a higher priority in their PLME admission, but once you get accepted to Brown for undergrad, you’re supposed to commit to Brown at a hefty annual price (unless you have need-based financial aid). Deferred students from ED do get a second look during regular admission for PLME. Since there is no incentive to apply ED if you want PLME and not sure that you desperately want Brown, regular admission is the way to go.

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Any idea when final BS/MD results come out for Drexel?

No, I meant as in ED in general to their dream school.

Did anyone hear back from MSU OSMP DO program interviews or admission notification?
Thank you

Did anyone hear back from RPI/AMC for Feb Interviews? Also, did anyone get any email on information session and what is that about? Thank You.

When would UAB BS/MD results come out? Has anyone received results yet?

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Accepted— Albany Medical College via Union


Congratulations! when did you interview?


congrats! did you see it on the portal or get an email abt it?

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FAU decisions are out.

Very pleased to note all our students who interviewed with FAU received acceptances.


Interviewed first week of Feb (invite received prior to last week of Jan)

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If you are asking a generic question - then you probably know the answer as well.

I see, thanks for the clarification. But, is there a particular reason for asking this question in the BSMD forum?

In general about ED-
Obviously if students have a dream school that offers Early decision and their parents can afford it, they should apply since this will increase their chance of getting admitted and ofcourse shows their interest as well. Usually, schools that offer ED in general only offer need based aid and affordability is an important consideration. Only Private schools offer early decision. Many public schools that are considered top such as UVA, UCLA, UC-Berkeley, UMich, etc. do not have Early Decision.

Usually students who have made up their mind about BSMDs, won’t apply ED. They would apply RD instead.

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Congratulation and best wishes to you!

Is anyone received acceptances from CUNY for BA/MD programs, Drexel BS/MD?

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Congratulations on the acceptance! Could you DM me when you get a chance?

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