***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Are either of the parents physicians?

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Congratulations. Please do make a results thread with your stats. Not many PLME acceptances on CC, would be very helpful for future applicants.

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Does anyone know when NJMS send out details? My Daughter got the email from NJIT about acceptance but nothing yet from NJMS. Also when does NJMS send the financial details? I don’t think we would get any aid and we are OOS so concerned about the cost at NJMS. Do they give any OOS tuition waiver or scholarships?

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sorry wrong thread

What are the other choices?


My son was accepted to Penn State PMM and got into UPenn; waitlisted from a few other ivies he applied to.

Which Penn is he thinking?

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As the Class of 2023 results come to a close, I would appreciate if you all could:

GPA: 3.95 (UW); 4.66 (W); low/semi-competitive public school
Class rank: currently top 1%; class size: ~900
PSAT: 1490
ACT: scoring 34-36 on practice tests so far (April 2023 test date)
No Subject tests, due to cancellation
APs: 12 AP Classes in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade (including main AP sciences: AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Biology; all 5s so far)

Ethnicity: ORM (yay, lol!)
Hooks: None, unfortunately

Main Awards/Merits:

  • Numerous National Speech and Debate Awards (NatCir level)
  • Research awards at conferences
  • National Merit Semifinalist (very likely)
  • State-level Science Competition (qualified at regionals, received PERFECT score)
  • Music Awards: several national/regional awards, Carnegie Hall Player, RCMs, District level band, state-level competitions/festivals, etc.
  • National Grant Winner = started a 501c3 non-profit (developing, concurrently)

Low-ranked awards

  • Presidential Volunteer Service Award Gold
  • National Honors Society
  • Math National Honors Society
  • Spanish National Honors Society
  • AP Scholar with Honors
  • School-grant awardee, used for ECs and research
  • School award for high-achiever in Mathematics (took AP Calculus in 10th grade)
  • National Spanish Exam Gold medal
  • AMC School champion (pretty competitive; didn’t qualify for AIME :frowning:)
  • HOBY alumni; scholarship recipient of HOBY WLC (complete)

Research (quite heavy):

  • Published research with [REDACTED - Ivy League] professors (1 year)
  • Research with [REDACTED - T50 University] Professors (presented at 3 places: symposium, conference, and poster symposium; may be published in a high school journal) (summer)
  • 2x Published (first author) research with [REDACTED - T50 University] professors (summer)
  • Incoming internship opportunity for research with [REDACTED - T50 University] scientists (summer 2023)
  • [REDACTED] Research at hospital (very competitive <3% acceptance rate; good chance for ISEF, JSHS, Regeneron STS, etc.) (summer 2023)
  • EMT certification (in progress)
  • Founder of non-profit
  • Captain - HEAVY SPEECH AND DEBATE (nationally ranked, Academic-all American - award top 1% of students, and received several awards for national tournaments, 8x [by the end HS] nationally qualified NSDA & NCFL, TOC/NIETOC/ETOC qualified)
  • Science Club - Founder and President at HS → supports ISEF qualifiers & State-level science fairs
  • [REDACTED] Youth Representative of a Forbes Top50 nonprofit organization: spoke at large governmental conferences (UN, White House, TEDxTalk, etc.) on public health policies (large impact, IMO)
  • Highest Band for Saxophone; principal chair/section leader
  • Piano (see awards section)
  • Editor of School Newspaper and Literary Magazine → published local newspaper articles
  • Math National Honors Society Founder & President
  • Tennis - Varsity (possibly captain 12th)
  • Shadowing - 50+ hours (ongoing)
  • Hospital volunteer - 300+ hours (since 8th grade) (ongoing)
  • Virtual Shadowing - During Covid (100+ hours) (ongoing)
  • Volunteering - 500+ hours (cumulative w/o shadowing; ongoing)

Advice for any improvement, LORs, overall application/stats, etc.?

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IMO (Hope i am wrong) comparison should be on the program than the whole college.

Sure Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Cornell, Wharton etc., are amazing (I was sad though my wallet was happy when my D didn’t pursue Harvard :heart_eyes:) and one should take time to look hard. Many of these programs are good in Law, business (many politicians) etc., but may have hard time to enter into Medical program so look deeper.

Just as an example, during COVID
 not everyone knows that many of COVID data for USA was handled by 
 University of Washington ( #1 in medical education, #1 in Primary and Family medicine per US ranking site)
including many scholars like Dr.Celine Gownder and few talking heads on TV
 but the acceptance rate into UW is crazy hard

Similar stuff for colleges in few other states (which don’t have name recognition) but their programs are top notch.

I shared few examples earlier
 my friend kid gave up his guaranteed BSMD spot after 4 years in PITT to go to Tuffts
 so nothing wrong either way
 and i also know another friends kids struggling in another program due to too much stress,faculty, location (fully paid program with ZERO costs to them)
 so keep eyes/ears open

So with all these achievements why do you want to do BSMD?

Only thing I am not seeing is serving the underserved populations.

UChicago or Depaul (Pathways Program)

I got into a few colleges, but now I’m conflicted between two.

UChicago: Pre-med

  • Full ride
  • Top school
  • Connections/Network
  • Dream School


  • Grade Deflation
  • Extremely difficult school in terms of maintaining a good gpa
  • Have to take MCAT

Depaul: Accepted into Pathways program that allows me to apply and get accepted into Rosalind Franklin Medical School in 2nd year of my bachelors and finish Ba and MD in 7 years

  • 7 Years instead of 8
  • No MCAT
  • Know if I got into Med school in year two of bachelors


  • 4K a year
  • Not “prestigious” school
  • Not exactly guaranteed but if I don’t get accepted year 2, I can reapply year 3 of BA

Since my end goal is Medical School, what should I do?


Yes everyone situation is different and also kids change mind.

In fact Tufts is no match but scholarship or region affinity can be the right reason for shift as long as one does not care for matching to competitive specialities. On other hand If struggling in BS MD undergrad forces you out and stress takes you then following Premed will be worse.

Easy for kids to move from medicine if this is a option when they struggle in Ivy schools for good or bad reasons and have seen few once 6 batches back at Harvard.

Ivy selection criteria does not take into account your organic chemistry skills

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UChicago is risky bet and 4K per year is not a lot.

My take always is those who went to easier high schools or those who got Ivy admission thru service or no academic criteria are the ones that underperform in premed classes. No parent wants to admit that.


Are you saying that UW is a good choice for premed undergrad (vs others such as UNC, Case, UCSD, Pitt etc.) or are you referring to UW Med school ?

UW has quite some grade deflation so other schools may be a better bet

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Which of the public schools are better known for Grade Inflation ? (you mentioned UW is more of a grade deflation, obviously all Ivys are well know for grade inflation aka Brown, Harvard etc.). I was trying to research on this on UNC. some says UNC is grade inflation, some says grade deflation school. Not sure
 I know this is not how anyone should select colleges but for premed it becomes important.

I know that Cornell and Hopkins are definitely grade deflation schools. I am not sure about UNC. It is definitely not grade inflation.

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Your question is essentially a question of Dream School vs Dream profession.

Rosalind is an established medical school and you will a shot at all specialties.

There is no comparison between UChicago and Depaul undergrad experience. UChicago wins here hands down. However, going to your dream school can potentially risk your dream profession.

Questions for you - do you see yourself being able to compete out there among the most-competitive students at UChicago and able to maintain >3.85 GPA? Do you see yourself in an alternate career if medicine does not pan out?

If the answer to both is a NO, go to DePaul/Rosalind.
If the answer to both is a YES, go to UChicago.

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