***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

UNC: It is closer to neutral.

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Note, UW Medical school is hard to get for a different reason. That is the school for a specific region for states WA, AL, ID, WY etc. Since not many medical schools in that region. Google to find the exact list. Selection from other states is very limited like TX (which takes only 10% OOS).


Tougher to get good GPA at top public universities due to large class sizes and competitive students.

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Soā€¦ not all Ivys have grade inflation. Actually Cornell has one of the worst grade deflati9ns. Princeton also has grade deflation

So for premedā€¦ unfortunately u have to look into thatā€¦ and ask urself if u or ur S/D can come at the top amongst their peers and get good grades.

There is another very important thing to take note of for grade inflation. If the schools are not as goodā€¦ it is easy to get As and get close to a 4.0. However the rigor of the classes is not that great and if your C is not at their game then the (bad) result is seen in the MCAT score.

So there is a difference between a low tier UG school with gradeinflation and a highly ranked UG with grade inflation.


I sent you a message.

Grade Inflation/deflation is pretty confusing and lot of hearsay (it seems). In forums like this, most people say UC Berkeley has grade deflation. However, they appear in grade inflation report (The Top 15 Universities with the Highest Average GPAs - RippleMatch)

My own son is currently at UCB (Sr - last semester) in Engineering/Haas. I know he didnā€™t study hard as per his caliber but mostly tried to balance life vs classes yet he maintains an easy 3.5 !!

Definitely, GPA first , but also other criteria to consider is the availability of quality academic research and building credentials during undergrad which normally you get in T20 or top T5 Public universities

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I am trying to zero in on UNC. There are lot of discussions around Grade deflation also at UNC in these forums. Novice Dad said, it is more or less neutral. Based on your comment regarding top T5 public universities, I think it should be fine to attend UNC for premed ā€¦ ? Of course, it all depends on the studentā€¦It seems that UNC implemented ā€œcontextual gradingā€ to counter grade inflation back in 2000 (UNC-Chapel Hill Battles Grade Inflation--Grade Inflation Wins) I donā€™t know what the situation is nowā€¦

Depends on how strongly one wants to go to medicine. If you check the results threads for past few years there are students who let go undergrad option at Stanford (multiple), Yale, Columbia, Penn, Duke and more.

C knew in their program itself a couple of folks who opted for their program over Stanford. One of them couple of years senior and one junior to their batch. There may have been more.

Replied to your private message

It need not be necessarily 3.85 or some figure specifically. As long as one can make the cut for Magna cum laude level at that institution it should be fine. For Chicago it may be 3.75 or who knows may be even lower. You should be able to bring that honor level to their attention in your med school application.

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hi everyone!

I got into both Hofstraā€™s BS/MD and Sophie Davis, but Iā€™m unsure of what to pick. Any advice?

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3.5 GPA for ORM premed is bad. Issue is fewer As are given so 3.8+ is tough.

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And there are few who gave up BSMD for Ivies and did well and there are many more who didnā€™t bother to apply for BSMDs, went to Ivies and did very well.

It all comes down to what you want to hear :smiling_face:

I also think UNC should be fine. Itā€™s not as bad as Berkeley, LA, Chicago etcā€¦

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We are from California.
My son did not get into BS/MD. But, got into many of undergrad programs.
Hofstra : Scholarship of 33K/annum
Case Western, U Pitt, VCU, RPI, Drexel, Univ of Rochester : Nominal scholarship
Premed -
All UCs. He is leaning towards UCLA over UCSD.
Wash U @ St Louis : No scholarship
USC : No scholarship

What will be your recommendation for him ?

Why UCLA over UCSD? Did he do pros and cons for both? Donā€™t go purely by name. Whatā€™s his intended major? Since he applied for BSMD he may have research opportunities at both at both?

He chose Neuroscience. He may change.
He did not make up his mind. We are attending both UC admitted students days next 2 weekends.
He has more friends and seniors swaying him towards UCLA with inside knowledge. He does not have any feedback for UCSD.

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The one thing you must remember is that wherever you go, the GPA is important and there are absolutely no brownie points for attending HYPSM. The reason is that there are people applying from all those schools to med schools with perfect or near perfect GPAs and high MCAT scores and an applicant is compared against the applicants from their own school. What ends up happening is the same people apply to all the same medical schools since they dont know where they will actually get in and unless one has instate priority due to residency, higher achieving students from one of these schools can get a student eliminated from consideration if they are even lower by 0.1 GPA.