***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

What about HPSYM ivy vs Upitt Gap medicine is the final goal


Any merit scholarships at Rochester?

I would pick Harvard and Stanford over Any BSMD. Others may not be worth over UPitt GAP. 6 years back one girl picked Stanford over HPME, PLME, BU, Case and ended up at Harvard Medical with no gap years.


Although every kid is different, but Is there data from Harvard and Stanford as to what percent of their pre med undergrads make it to T20 medical schools without gap years.

How about moving from sky to earth :rofl:?
If child is white, SAT in 1430 range, GPA 3.98 unweighted from a strong public school and
choosing between Nova BS/DO (can do 3+4 or 4+4) 2 hours flight away vs Gettysburg - Eisenhower scholar one hour drive from home (I understand it is not Vanderbilt Cornelius but it is quite a selective scholarship with only 15 kids receiving it and some perks attached with VIP treatment by school Eisenhower Scholarship - Gettysburg.edu) COA are very close. Both need MCAT but Nova needs only 502 with 3.6 GPA. What would you choose? The goal is primary care doctor.

Only data I have is all the kids I know didn’t take gap years. I know one who took gap year but seems like to get industry experience to do MDMBA.

BS/DO is just a carrot but I dont believe DO is that hard to get in for now with 505+ and 3.6.

I would recommend taking the scholarship.

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Any money at Nova?

COA are very close (2K difference at most). It is not about money.

Many kids from Harvard or Stanford do have to take gap years too. But Harvard and Stanford are once in a lifetime experiences. Not everyone gets these chances and if one gets them you should seriously consider them. That is if cost is not a factor.
Even if you dont go to med school after that (and many people after H and S choose not to go to med school) their life is very different
 most of the time more auccessful than if they would have been a physician.

But the same may not be true for other ivies or other schools
 IMO just harvard and stanford specifically


Take the scholarship. Those who got BSDO can easily get DO later also

You’re right, it’ll be hard to turn that one done!

Have you researched Gettysburg premed program? What resources will your child have there if the end goal is to become a physician. Forget the BS/DO for a minute and compare the premed/science education options in both schools. How much help will your child get for MCAT, research and clinical opportunities etc. Your child can always apply out even if attending BS/DO but having a good foundation is more important.


Son got into both Wharton and Stern for their Business programs.


My recommendation is Vanderbilt with CV scholarship.

Why not Case PPSP with scholarship ?

Don’t think it’s full tuition scholarship


If money is not an issue and the family is risk-aversed, would PPSP be a better choice since Case allows people to apply out? Their website says that people who choose to apply out should take the MCAT. They even insist that those who choose to take the MCAT should get higher than 94 percentiles to stay in the program.

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Wharton is great if your son wants to forget medicine and go to business instead. Doing wharton in a high stress environment while planning to do medicine again is not the best option to pursue. Wharton is a career by itself.

Has he been admitted to PPSP?


Our understanding is that PPSP decisions will come out April 7th.

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