***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Can you please PM me? Any chance I can contact or somebody can contact me about Nova? DD is choosing to go or not to Nova with 3+4 or 4+4 and I would like to learn about experience of mentioned student. Thanks.

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I don’t feel comfortable giving out contact for my kid’s friend, but if you compile a list of questions, I’d be glad to pass them on.

Sure. I will DM you

My son for some reason didn’t apply for RRSP (not sure why) but got in to McCullough. (He really liked Bama) He was offered a paid research position at msu and really liked it there too, but his personality feels more comfy at the other at the moment. Every kid is different for sure!

Pitt med regular 2026 school class profile entering GPA is 3.88 and they may be getting folks from T20 undergrads. Doing 3.75 at Pitt undergrad is better unless you want to shoot for Moon for T5 medical schools with one to two gap years


UW is a great Premed Undergrad… but there is no preference in MD or traditional path just bcoz u did UG there

Beware it’s a very tough educational path to get in from the UG to MD there but you may/will have better shot from there to other traditional schools

As an example … i would say it’s like learning “1st grade math” in a “12th grade class”… JMHO based on what I heard.

I agree! I just wasn’t sure if he got a 3.7 one semester if he was out.

Respectfully wrong info.

They are very competitive bcoz … they can get folks from all the states (bcoz of their reputation)… btw there are many meds schools in WA state and neighboring places.

There is “no preference” for instate … 100%…

Grade deflation or “curve fitting” is common but NOT because of what few/many think.

IMO, it’s bcoz of the incoming strengths of students and also the competitive program there.
To paraphrase (sports analogy), you can play minor league … but when u enter major or professional it’s much more competitive as everyone is "much better skilled or equally skilled "

As an example… my D 1st Organic/other programs are graded very tough and every student “struggles”… or put more effort to maintain the “same/better”… and so is it “deflating the grades”… hmmm… maybe (or maybe they think they want you to be better ),

This will not affect her as she has guaranteed BSMD but if she is in Traditional… sure that’s an extra stress or thing to look at.


Row 9 shows instate vs out of state for UW in 2021.

6186 applied OOS, 54 interviews 48 admitted.

Comparatively, 1386 instate applied, 632 interviewed. 310 admitted.

Regional Focus

More than 95 percent of the UW School of Medicine acceptances are applicants from Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho (WWAMI).

Anyone interested in checking out the competitiveness for medical schools across the country (mainly USNEWS ranked ones) can check this spread sheet. It has a wealth of information related to applicants, interviews given, admissions given, step scores and GPA and MCAT scores.

Very true… I know horrow stories personally from few on this.

Based on my friend… his S went to Tufts as he believes he liked the specialty better than Pitt(again personal choice)… i mentioned this to be “open and listen”…

Also since he had a “bird in hand” (Guaranteed) he went for the “risk free” bet… which many can’t.

Hi, there is Experience Temple Day this Friday April 07, 2023. Wanted to know if anyone who got into Temple BS/MD program will be attending.

Shooting for T5 is not same as shooting for moon and not everyone need gap years of planned well from day 1. Most of my son’s classmates at his T5 didn’t take gap years.

Gap years are not always necessary to get into T-5 med schools.

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Hi @Texaspg …thanks for the info
I believe i was not clear…

I want to state that “there is NO preference for being Instate/regional , say like TX or UMKC where they have set of percentages for them.”

Sure lots of locals apply but it’s not treated special or given a preference ( in fact it’s much harder bcoz 1 student from school can knock others out )

Also …You are looking at the overall college info … NOT for University of Medicine program… that’s why the number is huge like 1300+ :slight_smile:

MD program has (I believe around) 100 seats or so… and very competitive…

I agree people take gap years for different peronal reasons traveling etc before starting the long Medicine Journey.

How to know what percentage took for these reasons ? Some colleges do not publish like Michigan and below are the numbers:

Class Size 168
Matriculating directly from UG 17 10.1%
1 year out of UG 63 37.5%
2+ years out of UG 88 52.4%

Only one of out of 10 student is without gap year.

My D matriculated to med school in 2012, graduated in 2017 (extra research year )and there was 23% direct from UG. It was a small class, 82 IIRC. And FWIW, she is still in residency.

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I hope Michigan medical is not the norm and at least close to 35 % are without Gap years.

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Matriculating straight from UG has been decreasing. @WayOutWestMom would have the stats on that.

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Thank you so much for this clarification. My original Q was related to Premed at UW undergrad (and applying out) not necessarily applying to UW Med School after UW undergrad. Do you know how does acceptance rate to med schools (all med schools not necessarily UW med) look like from UW undergrad ? (or for other undergrad schools for that matter ? - I tried to search for this data but could not find it)