***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Full disclosure, have no outside consulting gigs and give independent opinions void of any financial interest. Beware of advice given here by posters with outside financial interest on this forum.


FYI - Oct 15 deadlines are a week away.
Use this weekend wisely.

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Hi! I was wondering if people actually do get accepted to Penn State’s BSMD program if they apply test optional. Thank you!

Hello! I have a 33 on the ACT, 3.94/4.59 GPA, and decent ecs. Any suggestions on if I should send my ACT score or apply test optional for Penn State PMM? Score breakdown is 32/31/35/34. Thanks!

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Happy Dushahra !!!

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Someone brought this up in UT Houston SDN thread. Looks like humanity majors apply in their junior year.

Regarding NJMS BA/MD, MCAT is required and it does not require a minimum score.

The decision to require the MCAT is made by NJMS and not the undergraduate institution. As NJMS states on their website: “Although not used to determine admission, the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) must be taken by the end of the spring semester prior to matriculation. Promotion to the medical school is contingent upon achieving grades of B or better in all premedical courses and maintaining an overall grade point average of at least 3.5 each semester.” Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

“The MCAT requirement helps students by providing a structured approach to studying and strong encouragement to score as high as possible, even though there is no minimum MCAT score required by NJMS. Long, standardized exams are an integral part of modern medical education and this preparation will reap future rewards.”
If one wants to compete with their 1st year peers, MCAT score needs to be at par with the average of entering class, recent prior year average was approximately 514.
It is not a cake walk to score 514 in MCAT, contrary to claims made by some on this forum.
NJMS also requires BAMD student maintain at least 3.5 GPA at each semester. It is also required to have a grade of B or above in each course. None of this should be taken lightly. College is another beast different from high school. There is no guarantee for one to matriculate to NJMS. (If you miss any one of these requirements, you are denied matriculation to NJMS at the end of third year.)
Choose you BAMD/BSMD list to apply wisely and widely.

Happy Dushehra !!!


where did you get these numbers? not doubting them, just curious if pitt published them somewhere

They shared them in their information session.

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Last year, they indicated about 10-12% of students interviewed had applied test-optional.

You are back!

If you are an Asian-American, go test-optional.

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Very interesting EAP program.
Declared humanities major! 3.7 GPA and > 510 MCAT.


Haha, yes. Thank you.

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Those are not bad numbers to meet for a Rice applicant (their GPAs are usually high since they give A+ in many classes). I am surprised they created one specific for humanities and not for all majors.

Fully agree.
I guess they will see an uptick in students declaring humanities majors.

It does not hurt anyway. Go for it.

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Dushahra celebration is scheduled every year in NJ and is over now for this year. No point in creating a new thread. (Wonder who objects to such an informational post ?).